本文选题:江苏地区 + 明代墓葬 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, the Ming Dynasty tombs in Jiangsu are analyzed and studied from the types of tombs, burial objects, scale grades and related problems. In this area, there are four types of tombs in Ming Dynasty, such as brick tombs, masonry tombs, glutinous rice paste soil cast-in-place tombs and vertical pit tombs. Before the Ming Dynasty moved capital Beijing brick room tomb is the main type, after the capital relocation, the brick room tomb still exists in large quantities, about 15 years after Cheng Hua (AD 1479), the glutinous rice paste Sanhe tomb began to be popular and replaced the brick chamber tomb, until the Ming Dynasty last year. In terms of funerary objects, the functional use is an important basis for distinguishing their categories, according to which the funerary objects unearthed from the Ming tombs can be divided into daily necessities and Ming objects. There are great differences in the types of burial objects in various types of tombs. The common sets of copper, Ximing apparatus and cast-in-place tomb in brick room tombs are mainly clothing, bamboo and wood burial objects are unique in cast-in-mud tombs, and are not found in brick tombs. In terms of scale, the size of tombs affects the facilities inside the tombs, and the larger the scale, the more perfect the facilities are. At the same time, the scale of tombs is closely related to the gradation of the owners of the tombs, and the owners of large three-room tombs and medium-sized double-chamber tombs are mostly of the public rank. Small-sized tombs include single-chamber brick tombs and cast-in-place tombs. The owners of brick tombs are used by officials of three or four products. The tomb owners' status is more complicated, from meritorious nobles to landlords and literati. Compared with the Ming tombs in Central Plains, Anhui and Shanghai, the tombs in this area have strong regional characteristics, which are mainly manifested in the distribution of brick tombs in and around Nanjing. Glutinous rice paste (glutinous rice paste) earth-cast mausoleums are distributed from north to south in Huaian, Taizhou, Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou. In addition, the rugged and anticorrosive properties of glutinous rice paste are one of the major characteristics of such tombs. Family tombs account for a large proportion of Ming tombs in Jiangsu. It is an effective way to understand the Ming tombs in Jiangsu province by discussing the development of their shape.
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