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发布时间:2018-05-24 13:17

  本文选题:官窑 + 青瓷 ; 参考:《中国科学技术大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 中国作为世界四大文明古国之一,有着悠久的历史与灿烂的文化。陶瓷器的产生与发展在中国文明史上具有十分重要的作用,代表着生产力的发展,是中国古代劳动人民智慧的结晶。 从最早一万年前新石器时代早期的陶器开始,中国陶瓷的发展经历了三大技术突破和五个里程碑,随着生产技术的不断进步,涌现出越来越多的精美产品和高超工艺。 从20世纪二十年代起,我国开始将科技分析运用到古陶瓷的研究中;此后对于古代陶瓷的研究和分析技术迅速发展,应用方法也得到不断改进。一般来说,古陶瓷的分析方法分为两类,成分分析和结构分析方法。这些研究方法从胎釉元素含量、微观结构、矿物组成等方面揭示古陶瓷物理和化学特征,从而进一步得到古陶瓷的原料产地及生产工艺信息。 本博士论文聚焦宋代瓷器若干问题的科技考古研究。论文第一章,概括了宋代历史经济背景以及这一时期瓷器生产的发展,同时介绍古陶瓷研究中一些常用的科技分析方法,简略讨论了它们的优缺点和适用范围。 官窑青瓷是宋代最重要的一类瓷器,代表着当时生产工艺的最高水平;但人们对于北宋及南宋的官窑具体所在地一直存在争议。经过上世纪九十年代以及本世纪初分别对浙江省杭州市老虎洞遗址和河南省汝州市张公巷遗址的发掘和出土文物的研究,这一争论终于有了初步结论。论文第二章中,选取了张公巷和老虎洞出土的各十二片瓷片,通过比较外观颜色、显微结构、烧成温度和胎釉化学成分,讨论了这两个窑口产品之间的联系。 论文第三章旨在探讨宋代官窑青瓷的发展传播路线。通过色差分析和元素组成特征判别等方法,研究官窑青瓷从北宋汝瓷、张公巷窑,到南宋低岭头越窑,老虎洞窑的技术传承关系。 宋代斗茶之风大盛,而黑釉瓷碗可以突显茶色之白,因此在当时十分盛行。论文第四章讨论了湖北省蕲春县罗州城遗址出土的宋代黑釉瓷片的物相结构和化学组成等特征,运用SPSS分析软件对胎釉元素组成进行分析,结合前人研究成果,对这批黑釉瓷片的产地进行了判断。 青白瓷是宋代出现的一种“仿玉”瓷器,其特点是釉色青中带白,白中泛青;对青白瓷的产地研究一直以来都是学术界讨论的热点。论文第五章选取湖北蕲春罗州城出土青白瓷片,分析这些样品物理化学各方面的性能,并利用其他已知产地的青白瓷片进行对比分析,尝试对其进行产地划分。同时,选取若干青白瓷和青瓷样品进行胎釉成分测试,探讨这两种瓷器的区别与联系。 本论文研究了宋代瓷器发展的几个重要问题,将北宋张公巷窑和南宋老虎洞窑的青瓷产品进行烧成温度、显微结构、胎釉成分以及微区元素含量变化特征的比较,为张公巷窑是北宋官窑提供佐证。从色度及胎釉元素含量的角度,研究了汝官窑、张公巷窑、低岭头越窑、老虎洞窑青瓷产品的理化性能,探讨了宋代官窑青瓷技术由北向南的传播路线。同时根据胎釉元素含量组成特征,结合现有已知产地来源的黑釉瓷和青白瓷的成分数据,运用多元统计分析手段,判断未知窑口的黑釉瓷和青白瓷样品的产地来源。 宋代瓷器博大精深,远非一篇博士论文可以探究,然而,本论文毕竟涉及到宋代的多种瓷器,如青瓷、青白瓷和黑釉瓷等,特别是官窑青瓷,其代表着当时生产工艺的最高水平,从这一点讲,或许本论文从一个侧面,反映了宋代瓷器工艺与艺术之一斑。
[Abstract]:As one of the four ancient civilizations in the world , China has a long history and splendid culture . The production and development of ceramics play an important role in the history of Chinese civilization , representing the development of productive forces , which is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese working people .

The development of Chinese ceramics has experienced three major technological breakthroughs and five milestones starting from the earliest pottery in the age of the first ten thousand years ago . With the continuous progress of production technology , more and more exquisite products and super - technology have emerged .

From the 1920s , China began to apply science and technology analysis to the research of ancient ceramics . After that , the research and analysis technology of ancient ceramics has been improved rapidly . Generally speaking , the analysis method of ancient ceramics is divided into two categories , component analysis and structural analysis method .

This thesis focuses on the scientific and technological archaeological research on several problems of porcelain wares in Song Dynasty . The first chapter summarizes the historical and economic background of the Song Dynasty and the development of porcelain production in this period . At the same time , some commonly used technology analysis methods in ancient ceramic research are introduced , and their advantages and disadvantages and application scope are briefly discussed .

Official kiln green porcelain is one of the most important porcelain in the Song Dynasty , which represents the highest level of production process at the time .
In the second chapter , twelve pieces of porcelain pieces unearthed from Zhanggong and Tiger Cave are selected , and the relations among these two kiln products are discussed by comparing the appearance color , microstructure , firing temperature and chemical composition of the green glaze .

In the third chapter , the paper aims to explore the development and propagation route of green porcelain in Song Dynasty . Through the analysis of chromatic aberration and the characteristic of element composition , the paper studies the relationship between the technology and inheritance of imperial kiln green porcelain from Northern Song Ru porcelain and Zhanggong Xiang kiln to the low Lingtou cross kiln and tiger tunnel kiln in the South Song Dynasty .

In the fourth chapter , the article discusses the structure and chemical composition of black glaze porcelain in Song Dynasty , which is unearthed in Luozhou City , Hubei Province , and analyzes the composition of the glaze elements by SPSS , and makes a judgement on the origin of the black glaze .

Green white porcelain is a kind of " jade imitation " porcelain appearing in the Song Dynasty , which is characterized by white and white in the color of the glaze .
The research on the origin of green and white porcelain has been a hot topic in the academic circle . The fifth chapter of this paper selects Qingbai porcelain from Luozhou City , the north of Hubei Province , analyzes the physical and chemical properties of these samples , and makes comparative analysis on the green and white porcelain pieces of other known places of origin , and tries to divide the origin . At the same time , several green and white porcelain samples are selected to carry out the test of the components of the tread glaze , and the differences and connections between the two porcelain wares are discussed .

In this paper , several important problems in the development of porcelain wares in Song Dynasty were studied , and the characteristics of firing temperature , microstructure , green glaze composition and micro - area element content were compared .

This thesis , after all , involves a variety of porcelain in the Song Dynasty , such as green porcelain , green white porcelain and black glaze porcelain , especially the official kiln green porcelain , which represents the highest level of production process at the time .


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