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发布时间:2018-06-16 01:52

  本文选题:甘青地区 + 史前时期 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:在人类历史长河中,在广袤的大地上,太阳无时无刻不以其普照大地、孕育万物的博大深邃和变幻莫测给人类以深刻的影响;尤其在蒙昧无知的史前时代,这种影响更是深远,因此对太阳的崇拜或对太阳神的信仰便成为了史前时期一个相当普遍的文化现象。史前时期的世界各文明起源地均遗留下了与太阳崇拜有关的遗迹、遗物。我国也不例外,在祖国广阔无垠的土地上,黄河流域、长江流域、珠江流域、辽河流域等诸多文明发源区,考古工作者亦发现了数量众多的、与太阳崇拜有关联的遗存。 与我国其它文明区相比,甘青地区更是特色独具,其与太阳崇拜有关的史前遗存异常丰富。彩陶纹饰中的圆圈纹,无论是从其演化过程来看还是从其构图方式和直观效果来说,都应是对太阳的形象描绘,是甘青先民浓郁的太阳崇拜心理的艺术表现形式。彩陶上的神人纹是甘青先民载歌载舞迎送太阳神的真实写照,是对专职巫师形象的描绘。鸟纹及大量的鸟形器,其与圆圈纹、神人纹的密切关系,亦表明其是对太阳鸟的模拟。众多的十字纹、类十字纹也与太阳崇拜休戚相关。甘青地区为数众多的史前璧环类玉器和陶鼓是祭祀太阳神所不可缺少的神圣法器。祭坛、尤其是具有祭坛性质的石圆圈遗迹是祭祀太阳神的场所。赤铁矿粉在墓葬中的使用和在石圆圈遗迹上的遗留,与太阳崇拜也有关联。齐家文化的铜镜是太阳神的化身,是甘青先民希望以太阳神的强大威力来达到驱恶辟邪的目的。种种相关遗存,是史前甘青地区盛行太阳崇拜的强有力证据。 本文主要有七个部分。第一部分说明甘青地区史前文化的总体状况。第二部分叙述甘青彩陶纹饰中太阳纹、圆圈纹、鸟纹、十字纹、类十字纹等的内涵和实质;并论证圆圈纹是太阳神的艺术化形式、鸟纹是太阳鸟的摹写等问题。第三部分论述神人纹是抽象化了的舞蹈人纹,是行使祭祀太阳神职权的巫师的形象。第四部分展开叙述祭祀太阳神的场所、仪式、法器等。第五部分论证铜镜是以太阳神的巨大威力来驱恶辟邪的工具。第六部分论述赤铁矿粉的象征意义,即火或太阳的象征。最后对诸多遗迹遗物作出概括和总结,并结合民俗学、民族学的相关资料证明史前的甘青地区是盛行太阳崇拜的地区。
[Abstract]:In the long course of human history and on the vast earth, the sun always shines upon the earth, and the profound and unpredictable nature of all things has a profound impact on mankind, especially in the prehistoric era of ignorance, Therefore, worship of the sun or belief in the god became a fairly common cultural phenomenon in prehistoric times. In the prehistoric period, relics and relics related to the worship of the sun were left over from the places of origin of the civilizations of the world. China is no exception. In the vast land of the motherland, such as the Yellow River Basin, the Yangtze River Basin, the Pearl River Basin, the Liaohe River Basin and so on, archaeologists have also found a large number of remains related to the worship of the sun. Compared with other civilization areas in China, Ganqing area is more unique, and its prehistoric relics related to solar worship are abnormally rich. The circle pattern in the decoration of painted pottery, whether from its evolutionary process or from its composition and visual effect, should be a description of the image of the sun and an artistic expression form of the rich psychology of sun worship of the ancestors of Gansu and Qing dynasties. The figure of god on the painted pottery is the true portrayal of Gan Qing's ancestors singing and dancing to send the sun god, and the image of the professional wizard. The close relationship between bird lines and a large number of bird-shaped vessels, as well as their close relationship with circle lines and divine lines, also indicates that they are simulative of the sun bird. Many cross lines, cross-like lines are also closely related to the worship of the sun. A large number of prehistoric jade and pottery drums are indispensable sacred objects to worship the sun god in Ganqing area. Altars, especially stone circles with the nature of altars, are places for worship of the sun god. The use of hematite powder in tombs and remnants of stone circles are also associated with solar worship. The bronze mirror of Qi culture is the embodiment of the sun god, and it is the hope of the Gan Qing ancestors to use the powerful power of the sun god to exorcise evil spirits and ward off evil spirits. Various related remains are strong evidence of the prevalence of solar worship in prehistoric areas of Gansu and Qinghai. There are seven parts in this paper. The first part explains the general situation of prehistoric culture in Ganqing area. The second part describes the connotation and essence of sun pattern, circle pattern, bird grain, cross grain and so on, and proves that circle pattern is the artistic form of sun god, and bird pattern is the description of sun bird, and so on. The third part discusses that the figure of divine figure is an abstract figure of dance figure, which is the image of the wizard who performs the duty of offering sacrifices to the sun god. The fourth part narrates the places, rituals, instruments and so on. The fifth part demonstrates that bronze mirror is a tool to exorcise evil spirits with the great power of the sun god. The sixth part discusses the symbolic meaning of hematite powder, that is, the symbol of fire or sun. Finally, it summarizes and summarizes many relics, and combines with folklore and ethnology to prove that the prehistoric Ganqing area is a popular area of solar worship.


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