本文选题:中牟宋庄 + 汉代制陶作坊 ; 参考:《中国国家博物馆馆刊》2014年08期
[Abstract]:The ruins of Songzhuang in Zhongmou, Henan Province, were excavated and cleaned out two intact pottery kilns in the Han Dynasty and one pottery kiln in the Song Dynasty. There are a variety of ruins with matching functions around the pottery kilns, and they coexist with each other. Together, these ruins and pottery kilns constitute a relatively well-functioning Han Dynasty. The pottery workshop area in the Song Dynasty. The flat layout of the pottery workshop area in the Han Dynasty consists of pottery kilns, houses and ash pits. By combing the evolution and development of the shape structure of the pottery kilns of the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains, and combining with the traces of the use of the kiln sites in the Song and Zhuang dynasties, it is speculated that the pottery workshop was built in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. At least until the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty. From the analysis of the fuel used in the kiln, it is preliminarily considered that the ceramic kiln should be private. The flat layout of the pottery workshop area in the Song Dynasty became more complete and larger. It was composed of pottery kilns, houses, stoves, granaries, wells, tombs, and numerous ash pits, and combined with the year of copper money unearthed from the tomb next to the house site. It is speculated that the use of the workshop was in the late Northern Song Dynasty. According to the residual fuel traces in the pottery kiln fire door in the Song Dynasty, it is speculated that its nature may be private.
【作者单位】: 河南大学历史文化学院;
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