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发布时间:2018-06-22 08:52

  本文选题:先商文化 + 漳河型 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 自20世纪60年代先商文化确认以来,有关先商文化的遗存不断被发现,尤其是近年新的发现和研究成果相继涌现,为深入、全面研究先商文化奠定了基础。 本文在前人研究的基础上,运用文化因素分析法等考古学方法以及“多重证据法”,充分吸收新的考古发现和研究成果,对先商文化的文化类型进行综合分析研究。全文共分为五部分,包括绪论、先商文化类型的划分、先商文化各类型之间及与周邻文化的相互关系、先商文化各类型形成的原因及族属问题及结语。 文章认为,先商文化的分布范围是以豫北冀南的安阳邯郸为中心,北到河北省中部;往南过黄河至郑州、开封一带,商丘西部的民权县西部也有先商文化的存在;东沿冀鲁豫三省分界线;西部以太行山为界,西南到达沁河。先商文化分为四个类型,即漳河型、辉卫型、鹿台岗类型、沁东类型。其中漳河型和鹿台岗类型为典型类型,辉卫型和沁东类型为非典型类型。南关外型不属于先商文化,保北型即岳各庄类型是下岳各庄文化,葛庄类型和补要类型属于漳河型先商文化。 漳河型先商文化是相土东迁后定居于漳河流域形成的考古学文化,三期的时候进入豫东地区,吸收周边先进的文化,在那里形成了鹿台岗类型。漳河型和鹿台岗类型其族属是商族。辉卫型先商文化是漳河型发展起来以后带着自己的文化南下控制当地居民而形成的。沁东类型是辉卫型向西南发展到沁河东岸,在这里吸收二里头等周边的其他文化,既保持先商文化辉卫型的文化面貌,又创造出自己新的特色的一个类型。关于辉卫型和沁东类型的族属认为是在二里头文化时期受商族控制并接受了先商文化的其他族群的文化。
[Abstract]:Since the confirmation of the pre-commercial culture in the 1960s, the remains of the pre-commercial culture have been continuously discovered, especially in recent years, new discoveries and research results have emerged one after another, which has laid a foundation for the thorough and comprehensive study of the pre-commercial culture. On the basis of previous studies, this paper, by using archaeological methods such as cultural factor analysis and "multiple evidence method", fully absorbs new archaeological discoveries and research results, and makes a comprehensive analysis and study on the cultural types of pre-Shang culture. The full text is divided into five parts, including the introduction, the division of the types of the pre-Shang culture, the relationship between the various types of the pre-Shang culture and the neighboring culture of Zhou Dynasty, the reasons for the formation of the various types of the pre-Shang culture and the problems of clan affiliation and the conclusion. The paper holds that the distribution range of the pre-Shang culture is centered in Anyang Handan in the north of Henan Province and in the central part of Hebei Province, and in the west of Minquan County in the west of Shangqiu there is the existence of pre-Shang culture in the area of the Yellow River to Zhengzhou in the south and in the west of Minquan County in the west of Shangqiu. Eastern Hebei-Shandong-Henan Province along the boundary; west to the Taihang Mountains, southwest to the Qinhe River. Shang culture is divided into four types, namely, Zhanghe type, Huiwei type, Lutai-Kong type, Qindong type. Among them, Zhanghe type and Lutaigang type are typical types, Huiwei type and Qindong type are atypical types. Nanguan exterior type does not belong to pre-Shang culture, Baobei type is Yuegezhuang culture, Gezhuang type and supplementary type belong to Zhanghe pre-Shang culture. Zhanghe pre-Shang culture is the archaeological culture formed by the migration of the phase soil to the east and then settled in the Zhangzhou River basin. In the third period, it entered into the eastern part of Henan Province, absorbed the advanced culture around it, and formed the type of Lutai Gang there. Zhanghe type and Lutai-Kong type belong to Shang nationality. The pre-Shang culture of Huiwei type was formed by Zhanghe type after it developed and brought its own culture southward to control the local residents. Qindong type is a type of Huiwei type which develops to the east bank of Qinhe River to southwest and absorbs other surrounding cultures such as Erlitou here. It not only maintains the cultural outlook of the former Shang culture but also creates its own new characteristics. About the Hui Wei type and the Qin Dong type, it is believed that they were controlled by the Shang nationality in the Erlitou Culture period and accepted the culture of the other ethnic groups which had the pre-Shang culture.


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