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发布时间:2018-07-12 12:08

  本文选题:岩山寺 + 金代 ; 参考:《山西大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 岩山寺壁画是金代壁画遗存的重点,也是中国寺观壁画中的精品,它的史学价值和艺术价值引起了国内外学者的关注。很多专家学者对岩山寺壁画的价值给予了高度的评价,肯定了岩山寺壁画在中国美术史上的地位。然金代的美术作品流传下来的非常稀少,且在我国当今的美术史研究中,此部分研究相对薄弱,所以岩山寺壁画作为金代壁画中的精品,在美术史上具有很高的研究价值。 本文以岩山寺壁画为研究对象,以实地考察和文献资料相互释证、图像分析和文本分析相结合的方法,将壁画置于整个社会历史背景、绘画史发展的语境中,对壁画图像所反映的社会思想和画面呈现出的风格特征进行分析,并阐述这种风格与同时期寺观壁画和早期寺观壁画的关系,深入认识和研究金代绘画的艺术特点。 岩山寺壁画在题材上表现的仍然是传统的佛传、本生故事,但对传统图像进行了选择和加工,在表现形式上有重大拓展,这与金代佛教的发展及画家本人的身份有着密切的关系。本文主要从四个方面(构图、空间、造型、色彩)论述岩山寺壁画的风格特点,重点分析其传承与创新。通过对壁画风格特征的分析总结出:首先,岩山寺壁画风格体现了金代绘画对北宋院体画画风继承的特点;其次,体现了北宋风俗画对金代绘画的影响。岩山寺壁画为我们展示了那个时代的艺术风格,反映了那个时代的社会文化生活及艺术成就,它的价值在金代多元的、宽容的历史情境中发挥到了极致。
[Abstract]:The mural of Yishan Temple is the focus of the remains of the frescoes of the Jin Dynasty and the fine works of the Chinese monastery murals. Its historical and artistic values have attracted the attention of scholars both at home and abroad. Many experts and scholars have highly appraised the value of the mural of Yashan Temple and affirmed the position of the murals in the history of Chinese art. However, the art works of Jin Dynasty are very rare, and in the study of art history in our country, this part of the research is relatively weak, so as the fine works of the paintings of the Jin Dynasty, the murals of Yanshan Temple have high research value in the history of art. In this paper, the mural of Yanshan Temple is taken as the research object, with the methods of field investigation, mutual interpretation of documents and materials, image analysis and text analysis, the mural painting is placed in the context of the development of the history of painting and the whole society. This paper analyzes the social thoughts and the style features of the paintings, and expounds the relationship between this style and the temple murals of the same period and the early monastery murals, and deeply understands and studies the artistic characteristics of the paintings of the Jin Dynasty. The theme of the mural paintings of the Yashan Temple is still the traditional Buddhist biography, the story of this life, but the traditional images have been selected and processed, and the form of expression has been greatly expanded. This is closely related to the development of Buddhism in the Jin Dynasty and the identity of the painter himself. This paper mainly discusses the style and characteristics of the mural of Yishan Temple from four aspects (composition, space, modeling, color), and analyzes its inheritance and innovation. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the style of the murals: first, the style of the murals of the Yansan Temple reflects the Jin Dynasty painting style of the Northern Song Dynasty painting style inherited characteristics; secondly, reflects the Northern Song Dynasty style painting influence on the Jin Dynasty painting. The mural paintings of Yishan Temple show us the artistic style of that era, reflect the social and cultural life and artistic achievement of that era, and its value is brought into full play in the pluralistic and tolerant historical situation of the Jin Dynasty.


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