[Abstract]:In this paper, the film forming properties of ethyl orthosilicate and its modifiers in wet environment were studied. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Hydrochloric acid, aluminum trichloride and dicarboxylic acid Ding Ji tin have good catalytic effect on TEOS. Using hydrochloric acid and aluminium trichloride as catalyst, TEOS film is transparent but cracking. Tetrabutyl titanate oxalic acid and citric acid can catalyze TEOS but when they act as catalysts TEOS does not form film. Sodium fluoride, boric acid, ammonia water N-N dimethylformamide, lithium bromide and aluminum silicate have little catalytic effect on TEOS. (2) Methyl trimethoxysilane, methyl triethoxy silane, propyl trimethoxysilane, propyl trimethoxysilane, The combination of propyl triethoxy silane and ethyl orthosilicate could not solve the problem of single film forming cracking of ethyl orthosilicate. Adding N-N dimethylformamide, a modified chemical additive, can shorten the curing time, but it can not completely solve the problem of film-forming cracking. (3) compared with the use of ethyl orthosilicate alone, N-N dimethylformamide can shorten the curing time of N-N dimethylformamide. The oligomer prepared by the heterogeneous reaction of ethyl orthosilicate modified with alkyl siloxane has good film-forming properties in dry environment. When the molar ratio of water to monomer is greater than 1.67, the amount of hydrochloric acid is about 0.05% of the monomer, and the heterogeneous reaction time is 6 h, the reaction time of the oligomer is the same when the molar ratio of water to monomer is greater than 1.67, and the amount of hydrochloric acid is about 0.05% of the monomer. The molar ratio of TEOS to WD-921 is 1: 2, the molar ratio of TEOS to JHN313 is 1. 25: 1. The molar ratio of TEOS to JHN318 is 1.5: 1. The molar ratio of TEOS to JNH3112 is 2: 1. Except that the oligomers synthesized by WD-921 and TEOS had better film-forming properties in humid environment, the other monomers and TEOS synthesized oligomers did not form films in wet environment.
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