[Abstract]:Yungang Grottoes are not only the masterpieces of the early Northern Wei Dynasty when Buddhism took root and developed in the Middle Kingdom, but also reflect the achievements of artistic diversity and ethnic diversity. In Yungang Grottoes, we can use the footprints of our ancestors to witness the evolution of history. To reconstruct the music life of Northern Wei period through instrumental images, Yungang Grottoes not only contain the flavor of Xianbei culture and Han culture, but also exude the taste of music from different countries in the Western region. In this paper, the author mainly through the following four aspects of Yungang Grottoes to elaborate the image of instrumental music: chapter one, overview. This part begins with the historical background and cultural background of Yungang Grottoes, and expounds the political orientation, economic development, religious belief and carving techniques of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and then introduces the stages of cloud excavation. This paper probes into the historical significance of Yungang from the horizontal order of time, combs the distribution of musical instruments in the grottoes, preliminarily grasps the number and types of musical instruments in the grottoes, and lays a foundation for the following articles. In this part, all the musical instruments in the grottoes are divided into three categories: string singing, qi singing and membrane (body) singing, and then it is expounded one by one from the production, form, evolution and value of the musical instruments. Chapter three, the analysis and research on the composition of the band in the grottoes. It is mainly to compare several representative bands in the grottoes with the use of music in "Nine Music", and to probe into the musical factors in the Western regions in the compilation of the bands in the grottoes. Chapter four, The reflection of musical anthropology reflected in the images of instrumental music in Yungang Grottoes. Including the instrumental images of the Northern Wei music culture, the meaning of the Sui and Tang music culture, as well as the spread of Buddhist art and the impact of the secular society.
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