[Abstract]:Since the unearthed Wu slips of Ma Lou, with the publication of materials and the continuous exploration of methodology by researchers, the concept of "Wu bamboo slips clerical study" has emerged as the times require. On this basis, this paper puts forward the "Longitudinal Comparative Restoration method" through the restoration attempt of "Yue Dan Book" in Sanzhou Cang. The so-called "Longitudinal Comparative Restoration method" refers to the method of restoring the dynamic process of an event from a vertical or diachronic point of view, so as to find the possibility of restoration. For Wu Bamboo slips, it is a method for restoration by using the peeling drawing and the "addition" relation within the book books. The restoration attempt in this paper is expected to contribute a little bit to the restoration and further study of Wu Bian.
【作者单位】: 江苏第二师范学院社会发展学院;
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