[Abstract]:The ceremonial architecture in the pre Qin period was the main place for the people to worship and sacrifice their ancestors and gods and communicate with the ancestors and gods. It not only represented the highest level of architectural technology at that time, but also produced a far-reaching layout planning thought for the later generations. It was also one of the main stages of the state's political life. Important material material of society.
Since the emergence of self-examination archeology in China, the etiquette architecture is an important object of archaeological excavation and research. In recent archaeological excavations, the relics of the ceremonial architecture in the pre Qin period were numerous and widely distributed, providing abundant and rich materials for the comprehensive study of the etiquette architecture in this stage. There are records of the ancient architecture and etiquette system, and the materials of Ethnology provide evidence for the study of ancient sacrificial contents and ideas, which have laid a foundation for the in-depth study of the etiquette architecture in the pre Qin period. At present, the study of the ancient etiquette architecture in our country is mainly focused on a certain type or a certain one. The form and function of the ceremonial architecture in the period of the period of the period are most enthusiastic about the historical stage of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and less attention is paid to the etiquette architecture in the pre Qin period. The systematic study of the etiquette architecture in the pre Qin period is still blank, and the characteristics of each development stage and the discussion of the mutual inheritance relationship are also discussed. The weak link, even the concept of the pre Qin Dynasty, how to define the concept, how to divide the nature of the nature, including the types of architectural remains are also different opinions. Therefore, on the basis of the existing achievements, the comprehensive research conditions of the pre Qin Dynasty etiquette system have already had, and it is also an urgent problem to be solved.
The main body of this article is divided into nine parts.
The first is the introduction, including the discrimination of the concept of the ceremonial architecture, the object of the study, the research method and the purpose of the study, the general situation of the discovery and research of the etiquette building in the pre-Qin period, the discovery and research results of other architectural forms related to the etiquette system. The definition of the concept of the etiquette architecture is the starting point and foundation of this article, as well as the general program that runs through the full text, In this part, the concept of the different etiquette architecture in the architectural history and archaeology is analyzed. On this basis, the author puts forward the author's definition of the etiquette architecture in the pre Qin period, which is built by the state, for the rulers to use, to reflect the status and status of the rulers, and the purpose of the building. The type of building, which includes the temple, the altar and the sacrificial pit in a narrow sense, also broadly includes the city site and the burial. This article discusses the narrow sense of rite architecture. For a comprehensive survey of the origin and development of the ritual architecture, the object of this study includes the original religious relics of the prehistoric period, about 5000-4000 years ago. The architecture, the etiquette building of Xia Shang West Zhou Dynasty and the ceremonial architecture in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were introduced. Then the two time points of 1949 and 1978 were used to divide the archaeological excavation and scientific research into three stages and the main field workers in each stage. The work and research results are briefly reviewed. Although the city site and burial are not the main object of this study, they are also a broad sense of ritual architecture, and their research has also promoted the deep research of the palace, the temple and other narrow sense architecture. Therefore, the research results of the city site and the tomb in the pre Qin period are also summarized in this paper.
The first chapter is the primitive religious relics of prehistoric period, that is, the predecessor of the ceremonial architecture, or the former ritual architecture. Because the academic circles have different appellations to this form of architecture, this chapter first explains the process of being named "primitive religious relics", and draws on the research results of the teaching of religion to discover the primitive religion in the prehistoric period of archaeological excavation. The remains are divided into two categories: natural worship relics and ancestor worship relics. The remains of nature worship can be subdivided into land worship relics, animal worship relics and God worship relics, and then combed and discuss the original religious relics of each species.
The second chapter is the ceremonial architecture and the primitive religious relics of the period about 5000-4000 years ago. The etiquette architecture is the highest development form of the primitive religious relics, and it is also the bud of the later ceremonial architecture. Therefore, it can also be called the quasi ritual architecture. The etiquette architecture mainly includes the remains of the large buildings in the prehistoric site. In addition, the eastern mountain mouth stone building and the "goddess Temple" site of the bull River beam, which are found in different places, and the "goddess Temple" site of the cattle and river beams have been discussed separately. The new features that are compatible with the social development stage at that time are presented.
The third chapter is the early development form of ritual architecture in the period of the Xia Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty, namely the early development form of the ceremonial architecture, mainly including the large palace and temple buildings and some higher standards of sacrificial relics. The question is discussed.
The fourth chapter is the ceremonial architecture of the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. From this stage, the ancient ceremonial architecture in ancient China has also entered the development track of the ritual architecture in the Han and Tang Dynasties. Because only a few of the ruins of the capital city in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were scientifically excavated, the ritual buildings in most of the capital cities could only be speculated on the basis of the relevant signs. Preliminary analysis, so this chapter mainly selects the ritual architecture ruins in the Eastern Zhou City site with clear connotations.
The fifth chapter is the layout and planning thought of the pre Qin ceremonial architecture. From the relics of archaeological excavations and the records of ancient literature to the pre Qin period, the author refines the planning and design ideas of six pre Qin ceremonies, that is, the cosmological view of "the unity of heaven and man", the still left view of dignity, the symmetrical structure of the middle axis, and the near mountain near the water. The convenience of the people and Li Jun, taking into account the practical and aesthetic ideas, identified the scientific pursuit of Chong Fang and the former bedding, the ritual architecture of the right palace in the left temple, and questioned the traditional idea of "left ancestor right society". The six points of layout and planning originated from people's practice, and were constantly improved and developed in practice, and in turn instructed people. The practice of our practice.
The sixth chapter is a comprehensive analysis of the construction technology of the pre Qin ceremonial architecture. According to the form of the ceremonial architecture, the etiquette architecture in the pre Qin period can be divided into house type and non house type architecture. The house type architecture mainly includes the palace and the temple building and the big house which bears the etiquette function in the prehistoric stage. The type of ceremonial architecture mainly includes the altar, the sacrificial pit, and so on. The building type architecture is the main focus of the human pursuit of advanced building technology. The construction technology of the non house type building is relatively simple and many from the house type architecture, so the analysis of this chapter is mainly on the building style architecture. The ramming technology including the altar and the building platform, the construction technology of the house wall, the evolution of the column and the foundation, the treatment of the ground and wall, the structure of the roof and the use of the tiles, and the drainage facilities.
The seventh chapter is an analysis of the social and political background reflected in the pre Qin ceremonial architecture. The social evolution patterns reflected by the primitive religious relics and ceremonial buildings in the prehistoric period can be divided into two main types: the primitive religion leading and the dominant power of the power of the royal power, which are Shi Qianwen in the Yan Liao region, the Central Plains region and the Central Plains region, and the Hai Dai area. In the historical period, in the historical period, the ceremonial architecture became the main place of royal power and clan power and theocratic game. The position of the temple building in the Xia Shang period was higher than the palace architecture, reflecting the historical facts of the royal power being subject to ethnic power and theocracy. From the late Shang Dynasty, the status of the royal power was gradually strengthened, and the power of Zhou Dai, especially in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, had been obtained. The overwhelming victory of clan power and theocracy is reflected in the ceremonial architecture, that is, the status of palaces is obviously higher than that of ancestral temples.
The last part is the summary and summary of the foregoing, pointing out the shortcomings of the paper and the future research ideas.
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