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发布时间:2018-07-26 09:25
【摘要】: 本文以清代乾隆仿生瓷为主要研究对象,对其进行较为系统研究。全文共分为六个部分。 前言,主要叙述了乾隆仿生瓷的概况与目前乾隆仿生瓷的研究的状况以及本文写作目的、意义。目前对乾隆仿生瓷的研究文章,相对较少,仅见于吕成龙所写的《乾隆御窑象生瓷》[6];江松所写的《清乾隆朝官窑象生瓷》[7];宁刚、李娜所写的《乾隆仿生瓷的艺术特色》[8]等为数不多的几篇文章,多为介绍性文章,尚未对乾隆仿生瓷作以全面、系统,综合性研究。本文搜集到国内外近百件乾隆仿生瓷制品,均为现今国内外馆藏及店藏传世精品,在全面收集资料的基础上,结合现有研究成果,对乾隆仿生瓷进行较为细致的分类研究,全面梳理乾隆仿生瓷基本面貌,以达到对乾隆仿生瓷有更为全面的了解,并对乾隆仿生瓷发展兴盛的原因作以研究,力求对乾隆仿生瓷进行较为全面系统的分析与研究,为其进一步的深入研究,提供相关依据和文献资料为乾隆仿生瓷作出一定贡献。同时,展示清代乾隆仿生瓷作为古代传世艺术精品的重要组成部分的重要艺术价值和历史价值,是中国传统文化与艺术品制造的完美结合,是先辈们的高度智慧与创造精神的结晶。揭示清代传统制瓷业的巨大成就,以及当时制瓷工艺承旧制、创新篇所取得的辉煌成功。 第一章,仿生瓷的概念与范围。主要对仿生瓷的概念和范围进行了探究,提出了本文所界定的仿生瓷的概念和类别范围,笔者认为仿生瓷的概念应为器物主体仿拟现实生活中的生物、器物等不同物体而烧制的瓷器,而非瓷器的固有形制特征及特征,器物整体表现为仿生之意。它可以是仿拟人类、动植物、器物或仿拟物体的外表体征,材质和肤理等等,其工艺以惟妙惟肖、以假乱真为目标。仿生瓷具有三个特征,第一、器物主体仿拟现实生活中的生物、器物等不同物体而烧制,而非器物的局部构件仿生。第二、仿生瓷表现为非瓷器的固有形制及特征,这里包括瓷器固有的传统器型,或釉色、材质肤理等特征。第三、仿生瓷器物整体表现为仿生之意。即该器物工艺以惟妙惟肖、以假乱真为目标。仿生瓷的范围包括两种器物,一种是器物主体仿拟现实生活中的生物、器物等不同物体的造型而烧制瓷器,可以称之为造型仿生瓷;另一种是器物主体仿拟现实生活中的生物、器物等不同物体的材质和肤理而烧制瓷器,可以称之为装饰仿生瓷。 第二章,造型仿生瓷。造型仿生瓷乾隆造型仿生瓷是以器物主体仿拟现实生活中的生物、器物等不同物体的造型而达到仿生的效果,既有仿拟造型准确无误,仿肖逼真,达到以假乱真程度的象生之作,也有以微观器物仿拟客观事物造型的精巧之作。据已收集资料,乾隆造型仿生瓷可为:仿人类、仿动物类、仿植物类、仿器物类和仿建筑物类五种类型。其中仿人类仿生瓷,见有两种形制,一种为仿人物瓷偶,另一种为仿人物香插。仿动物类根据其形制的不同可分为仿兽类、仿禽类和和仿水生动物类3种类型。仿植物类仿生瓷根据其形制的不同可分为仿鲜、干果类、仿花、叶类和和仿蔬菜类3种类型。仿器物类仿生瓷根据其形制的不同可分为仿生活用器类和仿佛前供器类2种类型。仿建筑物类仿生瓷共有5件,根据其形制的不同可分为仿塔类和仿亭类2种类型。 第三章,装饰仿生瓷。乾隆装饰仿生瓷是以器物主体仿拟现实生活中的生物、器物等不同物体的材质和肤理等而达到仿生的效果所烧制的瓷器。据已收集资料,乾隆装饰仿生瓷可为:仿木器、仿漆器、仿铜器、仿金器、仿石器、仿玉器、仿竹器、仿白蜡釉器、仿鲨鱼皮釉器9种类型。其中仿木器仿生瓷根据其形制的不同可分为仿木碗、仿高足盘、仿木笔筒和仿木多穆壶4种类型。仿漆器仿生瓷根据已收集到的资料,乾隆仿漆器瓷可分为两种类型,一种为仿雕漆;另一种为仿朱漆。仿铜器仿生瓷,根据已收集到的资料,可分为仿青铜器、仿错金银铜器和仿鎏金铜器三种类型。仿金器仿生瓷共有2件,均为佛教法器中的金法轮。仿石器仿生瓷根据已收集到的资料可分为仿石纹器和仿石山子两种类型。还见有仿玉器瓷、仿竹器、仿白蜡釉器和仿鲨鱼皮釉器几种类型。 第四章,乾隆仿生瓷发展与兴盛的原因。分析其乾隆仿生瓷发展与兴盛的原因,笔者认为有以下四个方面。一、良好的社会状况对制瓷业的支持,乾隆盛世良好的社会状况使景德镇制瓷业发展昌盛,昌盛的制瓷业是这种突破传统审美观、传统工艺的仿生瓷的发展和兴盛基础;二、制瓷工艺的高度发达,正是制瓷工艺技术水平的高度发达与成熟,为乾隆仿生瓷的发展与兴盛提供了必备条件。三、乾隆皇帝对制瓷业的影响与支持,关于乾隆皇帝对制瓷业的影响与支持,笔者认为主要有三个方面。第一、乾隆皇帝自身的品好对制瓷业的影响,乾隆皇帝是个自命“风雅”的封建帝王,对瓷器的爱好尤甚。在他的倡导和影响下,当时上流社会崇尚风雅的习俗十分盛行。为了迎合乾隆皇帝的这种品好,迎合上意,当时景德镇御窑厂由唐英和催总老格等专门主持、试制和创新新样供奉,烧造奇技精巧的器物以取媚于皇上。如此在一定程度上刺激了制瓷技术的创新。第二、乾隆皇帝对制瓷业巨大的财力支持,乾隆皇帝由于对瓷器的偏好,对其予以巨大的财力投入与支持,是对制瓷业兴盛发展的重要保证。第三、乾隆皇帝对制瓷的要求刻意求精,对制瓷的要求可谓管理严格,刻意求精。对制瓷业的发展起到了重要的促进作用是乾隆时期制瓷业发展兴盛的原因之一,对制瓷业产生了重要的影响。第四、督窑官唐英的杰出贡献。乾隆时期,唐英全权受命总理厂窑,在雍正时期已取得成绩的基础上继续发展,制瓷工艺技术水平达到历史顶峰,创新作品不断涌现,形成乾隆时期所独具的瓷器造型和艺术风格。唐英身心投入,善于学习,亲自参与窑务,以匠人为师,努力掌握陶冶技术,成为杰出的制瓷专家。他“讲究陶法,于泥土釉料、坯胎火候,具有心得,躬自指挥”对乾隆制瓷的革新创造产生了重要的影响,对乾隆仿生瓷的发展与兴盛也起到了至关重要的作用。对乾隆制瓷管理有方,使景德镇出现了“镇人日益盛,镇陶日益精,莫不奋兴鼓舞”的昌盛景象。唐英的杰出贡献对乾隆制瓷业的发展兴盛起到了重要的促进作用,同时也是乾隆仿生瓷的发展与兴盛的一个重要原因。 结语,对本文所作的研究工作进行了归纳和总结。本文以收集到的目前国内外馆藏及店藏近百件乾隆仿生瓷为例,对其进行了系统的梳理,运用分类和归纳的方法进行初步研究,明确了仿生瓷的概念和范围,基本理清了乾隆仿生瓷的类型与类别,对乾隆仿生瓷的发展与兴盛的原因进行了较为深入的研究与归纳。
[Abstract]:This paper takes the Qianlong bionic porcelain in Qing Dynasty as the main object of study, and makes a systematic study of it. The full text is divided into six parts.
The preface describes the general situation of Qianlong bionic porcelain and the present research status of Qianlong bionic porcelain and the purpose and significance of this article. At present, the research articles on Qianlong's bionic porcelain are relatively few, only in Lv Chenglong's "Qianlong Royal kiln, Yimu porcelain >[6]", and "Qing Qianlong Dynasty Imperial porcelain porcelain >[7]; Ning Gang, Li Na" The artistic features of Qianlong bionic porcelain are >[8] and so few articles, most of which are introductory articles. It has not yet made comprehensive, systematic and comprehensive studies on Qianlong's bionic porcelain. The research results have made a more detailed classification and study of Qian Long's bionic porcelain, comprehensively combing the basic features of Qian Long's bionic porcelain, in order to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of Qian Long's bionic porcelain, and study the reasons for the prosperity of Qian Long's bionic porcelain, and strive for a more comprehensive and systematic analysis and study of Qian Long's bionic porcelain. The in-depth study, the provision of relevant basis and literature material for Qian Long's bionic porcelain made certain contributions. At the same time, it shows the important artistic value and historical value of Qian Long's bionic porcelain in the Qing Dynasty as an important part of the ancient art of the world. It is the perfect combination of Chinese traditional culture and the manufacture of art, and the high wisdom and creativity of the ancestors. The crystallization of the gods reveals the great achievements of the traditional porcelain industry in the Qing Dynasty, and the brilliant success made by the porcelain making process.
The first chapter, the concept and scope of bionic porcelain, mainly explores the concept and scope of bionic porcelain, and puts forward the concept and category scope of the bionic porcelain defined in this article. The author thinks that the concept of bionic porcelain should be a kind of porcelain which is burned by the objects of the objects, such as the objects and other objects in the real life, rather than the inherent form of porcelain. Features and features, the utensils as a whole show the meaning of bionic. It can be imitated the appearance of human, animal and plant, the material and skin of objects, material and skin, and so on. Its craft is to be the objective. The bionic porcelain has three features. First, the object is made to imitate the living creatures, objects and other different objects in the real life. Second, the bionic porcelain is shown as the inherent form and characteristic of non porcelain, which includes the inherent traditional form of porcelain, or glaze, skin texture and so on. Third, the bionic porcelain as a whole shows the meaning of bionic. That is, the artifact craft is aimed at the only thing that is false and true. The range of bionic porcelain includes two A kind of utensil, one is a kind of utensil subject to the imitation of the real life of the living things, the modeling of different objects, such as utensils, and burning porcelain, can be called the modeling bionic porcelain; the other is the object body imitation of the real life of living things, objects and other objects of the material and skin to burn porcelain, can be called decorative imitation porcelain.
The second chapter, modeling bionic porcelain. Modeling bionic porcelain Qianlong modeling bionic porcelain is the effect of imitation of biological, utensils and other different objects in real life. It has both the accuracy of imitation and the imitation of the true degree, as well as imitating the objective things with microscopic objects. According to the collected data, Qianlong modeling bionic porcelain can be used as five types of imitation human, animal imitation, imitation plant, imitation utensil and imitation building. Among them, there are two forms of imitation of human imitation porcelain, one is imitation figure porcelain and the other is imitation of characters, which can be divided into beasts and imitation birds according to their different forms. The imitation plant bionic porcelain can be divided into 3 types: imitation fresh, dry fruit, flower imitation, leaf and vegetable like vegetable according to its different forms. Imitation utensils imitation porcelain can be divided into 2 types according to the different forms of its form, including 2 types of imitating living apparatus and as if the former donor. There are 5 imitation building imitation porcelain. Different shapes can be divided into 2 types: imitation tower and imitation Pavilion.
The third chapter, adornment bionic porcelain. The Qianlong decorative imitation porcelain is a kind of porcelain made by imitation of the material and skin of different objects in real life, such as the material and skin of different objects in the real life. According to the data collected, Qianlong adornment imitation porcelain can be used as wood imitation, lacquer, copper imitation, imitation gold, imitation stone, imitation jade, imitation bamboo, Imitation white wax glaze, imitation shark skin glaze 9 types, of which imitation wood imitation porcelain can be divided into 4 types according to their different forms, such as imitation wood bowl, imitation high foot plate, imitation wood pen and imitation wood pot. According to the data collected, imitation lacquerware in Qianlong can be divided into two types, one is imitated lacquer, the other is imitation Zhu lacquer. Imitation copper Bionic porcelain, according to the collected data, can be divided into three types: imitation bronze, imitating gold, silver and silver bronze and imitation gilded bronze. There are 2 imitation gold imitation porcelain porcelain, all of which are the gold Falun in Buddhist tools. Imitation stone imitation porcelain can be divided into two types of imitation stone and imitation Ishiyama Ko according to the data collected. It is similar to white wax glaze and shark skin enamel.
The fourth chapter, the reasons for the development and prosperity of Qianlong bionic porcelain. Analysis of the reasons for the development and prosperity of the Qianlong bionic porcelain. The author believes that there are four aspects. First, the good social conditions support the porcelain industry, the good social situation in the flourishing period of Qianlong makes Jingdezhen porcelain industry flourishing, and the prosperous porcelain industry is this kind of breakthrough traditional aesthetic concept, The development and flourishing foundation of the bionic porcelain of the unified process; two, the highly developed technology of porcelain making is the highly developed and mature of the technological level of porcelain making, which provides the necessary conditions for the development and prosperity of Qianlong's bionic porcelain. (three) the influence and support of Emperor Qianlong on the making of porcelain industry are related to the influence and support of Emperor Qianlong on the making of porcelain industry. There are three main aspects. First, the influence of emperor Qian Long's own good on the porcelain industry, Emperor Qian Long is a self ordered "elegant" feudal emperor, especially the love of porcelain. Under his advocacy and influence, the custom of upholding elegant society was very popular at that time. In order to cater to Qian Long emperor this kind of good, cater to the view, then the view, then the scenery, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the scene, the scene, then the view, then the scene, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the view, then the scene, the scene, then the view The Dezhen Royal kiln factory was specially presided over by Tang Ying and the general Lao Ge and so on. It tried to make and innovate the new samples, and burned the exquisite artifact to the emperor. To a certain extent, it stimulated the innovation of porcelain making technology. Second, Emperor Qianlong's great financial support to the porcelain industry, emperor Emperor Qianlong gave it a huge wealth because of his preference for porcelain. Force input and support are the important guarantee for the prosperity and development of China's porcelain industry. Third, Emperor Qian Long's requirements for porcelain making are deliberately refined, and the requirements for porcelain making are strictly managed and deliberately refined. The important promotion of the development of the porcelain industry is one of the reasons for the prosperity of the development of the porcelain industry in the period of Qian Long, which has produced an important shadow to the porcelain industry. Fourth, fourth, the outstanding contribution of the governor of the governor of the kiln. During the Qianlong period, Tang Ying was appointed as the prime minister's factory kiln, and continued to develop on the basis of the achievements of the Yong Zheng period. The technological level of the porcelain production reached the peak of history, and the creative works were constantly emerging to form the unique porcelain shape and artistic style of the Emperor Qianlong. Taking part in the kiln himself, taking the craftsman as a teacher, he made great efforts to master the ceramic technology and became an outstanding porcelain expert. He had an important influence on the innovation and creation of Qian Long porcelain, which had an important influence on the innovation and creation of the porcelain made by Qian Long. He played an important role in the development and prosperity of Qian Long's bionic porcelain. The effective management of porcelain made Jingdezhen a prosperous scene of "the growing town people, the increasingly refined town and the encouragement". The outstanding contribution of Tang to Britain has played an important role in promoting the prosperity of the Qianlong porcelain industry, and is also an important reason for the development and prosperity of Qianlong's bionic porcelain.
In the conclusion, the research work of this article is summarized and summed up. In this paper, the collection of domestic and foreign library and store close to hundreds of Qianlong bionic porcelain for example, the systematic combing, the use of classification and induction methods to make a preliminary study, clear the concept and scope of bionic porcelain, basically clear the class of Qianlong bionic porcelain Type and category, the reasons for the development and prosperity of Qianlong bionic porcelain were deeply studied and summarized.


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