[Abstract]:Yaozhou kiln, one of the famous ancient kilns in ancient China, was burned in the Tang Dynasty and reached its peak in the Song Dynasty. By virtue of its sharp and fluent engraving technology, it was praised by Mr. Feng Xianming as "the crown of the same kind in the Song Dynasty". The Yaozhou kiln in the Northern Song Dynasty, with its superb burning technology and artistic standard, once burned tribute porcelain for the court, and its influence across the South and north of China. Making the porcelain industry and forming the "Yaozhou kiln system", one of the six big kiln departments of the Song Dynasty, occupies a very important position in the history of Chinese ceramics. The unique porcelain craft of Yaozhou kiln bears the value of heavy history, culture, art and science. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the pottery people in ancient China and is the precious intangible cultural heritage of the whole of mankind. However, it is a precious intangible cultural heritage of the whole mankind. In recent years, the protection and inheritance of the traditional porcelain making technology in Yaozhou kiln is worrying. There are many problems, such as the poor protection of the inheritors, the extreme lack of follow-up talents, the small scale of the porcelain production enterprises, the few innovation of the products, the insufficient publicity of the government, the poor social recognition and the unsound protection system. The firing technology of traditional porcelain products has been disappearing, which has attracted the attention of experts and scholars.
This paper is supported by the related theories of intangible cultural heritage. First, through field investigation, questionnaire, interview, comprehensive analysis and other methods, the problems faced by the technology protection and inheritance of Yaozhou kiln porcelain are examined. Secondly, through the field investigation of other kilns in Jingdezhen and Longquan and other countries, the successful experience and practice are used for reference. In the end, combined with the actual situation of Yaozhou kiln, the scheme which is suitable for the protection and inheritance of Yaozhou kiln porcelain technology is put forward, which are elaborated from three aspects, such as the inheritor, the firing technique of the porcelain, and the economic rights of the porcelain enterprises and the practitioners.
In addition, from the perspective of tourism specialty, this paper points out the deficiencies of Tongchuan in developing ceramic characteristic tourism, and puts forward reasonable suggestions and suggestions.
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