[Abstract]:This paper first analyzes the cultural characteristics of Hongshan culture, Liangzhu culture and Central Plains culture, classifies the culture represented by Hongshan Culture and Liangzhu Culture as witch culture, and classifies the culture represented by Central Plains Culture as feeding culture. Then it analyzes the different types of culture and proves the irrationality of witch culture and the rationality of food culture, so as to find out the internal reasons for the rise and fall of different types of culture. Hongshan culture, Liangzhu culture has found more relics related to sacrifice, which is more prominent in the Neolithic culture of China, including the unique goddess temple of Hongshan culture, stone mounds, and Hongshan culture. The altars that exist in Liangzhu culture show that Hongshan people and Liangzhu people held various kinds of sacrificial activities at that time, which deeply branded these two prehistoric cultures as "witches". The jade objects of the Hongshan culture such as cloud shaped jade, jade people and all kinds of animal shaped jade, cong of Liangzhu culture, twigs, gods and emblems clearly show that the main function of jade articles in Hongshan culture is not to be used as decoration, but to be used as legal objects for sacrificial activities. From another angle, it shows the "witchcraft" of its culture. The role of jade objects in Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture was mainly used as sacrificial objects. These jade objects appeared in large numbers in tombs, with few pottery or rare pottery, implying that sacrifice held the highest position in the social life of Hongshan people and Liangzhu people. It's their top priority. Pottery in the Central Plains and bronze ritual objects in the Bronze Age have been regarded as the most important funerary objects. The appearance of ritual utensils does not represent the increase of cultural sacrificial activities in the Central Plains. On the contrary, most of the vessels of bronze ritual objects are food utensils. Taking food utensils as the most important ceremonial objects shows that the culture of the Central Plains attaches importance to food. After three generations of evolution from the beginning of the Central Plains Jade artifacts to the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty has mainly become a decorative articles gradually lost the original sacrificial function. The frequent sacrificial activities in the late Shang Dynasty accelerated the demise of the Shang Dynasty. When the Western Zhou Dynasty entered the Western Zhou Dynasty, the sacrificial activities were greatly reduced, people died for death, and the acts of human sacrifice were gradually abolished from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the late period, and the divination was not as frequent as the late Shang Dynasty. The number of oracle bones found in the Western Zhou Dynasty was much less than in the late Shang period. The "sorcery" of the Central Plains culture can be said to be ephemeral in the late Shang Dynasty, but did not develop in the end. The continuous sacrificial activities brought disaster to Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture. Whether or not their subsequent cultures are developed from the former, as the characteristics of the Hongshan and Liangzhu cultures, such as temples, altars, mounds, cong, pieces, gods and emblems, they have disappeared or rarely existed in their respective subsequent cultures. Thus, in terms of culture itself, they have died. Although some elements of the Hongshan and Liangzhu cultures were found sporadically in some later cultures, these factors did not form a typical or representative feature of the corresponding culture, or were not inherited from the cultural factors. Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture represent a kind of "witchcraft" culture that ends its own historical process, while the "eating" culture represented by the Central Plains culture develops and grows.
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