发布时间:2018-08-13 14:53
【摘要】:本文对呼伦贝尔地区扎赉诺尔、团结和东乌珠尔早期鲜卑墓地出土的人和动物骨骼进行了稳定同位素分析,以期揭示早期鲜卑的食物结构和生计方式。C、N稳定同位素分析结果表明,早期鲜卑人的食物来源兼具C_3类和C_4类,其中C_4类食物很可能来自其从事的少量粟作农业。人具有较高的δ~(15)N值,且与动物的δ~(15)N值差异较大,表明人的营养级较高,肉食资源在食物结构中占据较大比重,这可能来自于早期鲜卑人所从事的游牧及狩猎经济的贡献。C、N、S稳定同位素分析结果表明,动物和人的食物来源来自于当地的陆生系统,而个体马(DW M3(1))具有较高的δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值以及明显不同于其他样品的异常高的δ~(34)S值,说明此个体可能属于来自于其他地质环境的"外来者"。
[Abstract]:In this paper, stable isotopic analysis of human and animal skeletons unearthed in early Xianbei Cemetery of Zhalaanor, Unity and East Wuzhu in Hulunbeir area has been carried out. The results of stable isotope analysis showed that the food sources of the early Xianbei people included CSP 3 and C4, among which CSP 4 probably came from a small amount of millet farming. Human beings have higher 未 ~ (15) N values, and there is a great difference between the 未 ~ (15) N values of animals and human beings, which indicates that the nutritional level of human beings is higher, and meat resources occupy a large proportion in the food structure. This may be due to the contribution of the early Xianbei people to the nomadic and hunting economy. The results of the stable isotopic analysis show that the food sources of animals and people come from the local terrestrial system. The individual horse (DWM3 (1) has higher 未 ~ (13) C and 未 ~ (15) N values, and an abnormally high 未 ~ (34) S value which is obviously different from other samples, which suggests that the individual may belong to the "outsider" from other geological environments.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院考古学与博物馆学系;呼伦贝尔民族博物馆;扎赉诺尔区文管所;Department
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(41503003) 教育部人文社科青年基金(13YJCZH242) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目面上(2014M551010) 特别基金(2015T80211)资助
[Abstract]:In this paper, stable isotopic analysis of human and animal skeletons unearthed in early Xianbei Cemetery of Zhalaanor, Unity and East Wuzhu in Hulunbeir area has been carried out. The results of stable isotope analysis showed that the food sources of the early Xianbei people included CSP 3 and C4, among which CSP 4 probably came from a small amount of millet farming. Human beings have higher 未 ~ (15) N values, and there is a great difference between the 未 ~ (15) N values of animals and human beings, which indicates that the nutritional level of human beings is higher, and meat resources occupy a large proportion in the food structure. This may be due to the contribution of the early Xianbei people to the nomadic and hunting economy. The results of the stable isotopic analysis show that the food sources of animals and people come from the local terrestrial system. The individual horse (DWM3 (1) has higher 未 ~ (13) C and 未 ~ (15) N values, and an abnormally high 未 ~ (34) S value which is obviously different from other samples, which suggests that the individual may belong to the "outsider" from other geological environments.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院考古学与博物馆学系;呼伦贝尔民族博物馆;扎赉诺尔区文管所;Department
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(41503003) 教育部人文社科青年基金(13YJCZH242) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目面上(2014M551010) 特别基金(2015T80211)资助
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