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发布时间:2018-08-13 19:33
【摘要】:侯家窑遗址与和尧庄遗址作为我国旧石器中期重要的古人类遗址,在东方人类起源、古人类演化和旧石器文化发展等研究中起着承前启后的作用。尽管侯家窑遗址发现至今已有40余年,但有关侯家窑古人类遗存的埋藏年代及地层特征、生存环境等问题尚未统一认识,而关于和尧庄遗址各方面研究均属空白。本文在前期侯家窑遗址附近古河流研究工作的基础上,依托河北省“东方人类探源工程—泥河湾人类起源、环境及地质背景研究”项目(13277611D),通过8次野外地质地貌考察、地磁测量、电阻率测深和高程测量等一系列深入阶段的工作,继续追踪了侯家窑—和尧庄遗址区古河流的南延方向、规模和空间分布特征,并对遗址区古人类生存的自然地理环境进行了研究,同时重点探讨了遗址区古河流的发育状况及其与古人类生存年代、生存环境的关系。研究结论如下:(1)在中更新世的晚期,侯家窑—和尧庄遗址区发育了一条源于北部熊耳山区的古河流。该河流在遗址区内呈北北西—南南东方向延伸,流向南南东,区内主河流最大宽度约1 km,流域宽度超过1.5 km。古河流的形成始于距今24万年前的泥河湾古湖快速大规模退缩时期,到晚更新世初被大规模冲洪积物掩埋后消亡,其发育历史跨越了侯家窑—和尧庄一带古人类生存的整个时期。(2)在古河流发育时期,侯家窑—和尧庄遗址区的古地貌形态总体向南倾斜,海拔高度在920~960 m之间,比降约1/90。主河道河床向南南东方向缓倾,遗址区内上游侯家窑遗址附近河段比降约1/60,下游和尧庄遗址附近河段比降减小,仅有1/120。古河道沉积结构复杂:从平面上看,不仅分支河道或分支沟谷较多,而且还有宽浅的河湾(沼泽)以及古河道截弯取直遗留的牛轭湖(沼泽);在垂向上,古河道的横剖面形态呈岸坡陡峻、河床宽缓的槽型。在沉积类型上,有二元结构清楚的河漫滩相、河床相沉积,也有河湾(沼泽)相和牛轭湖(沼泽)相沉积等。(3)侯家窑遗址与和尧庄遗址的古人类遗存埋藏于古河流相沉积层及临近古河流并与之同期的残积相壤化粘土层,说明侯家窑—和尧庄遗址区的古人类并非倚湖而居,是倚河而居,但此河发育在中更新世晚期—晚更新世初,而非目前所见的梨益沟。两遗址相距仅3 km,且古文化遗存埋藏层位相当,只是埋藏的古河流地貌不同,也表明两处古文化遗存系同时代人拟或同一群人所为。(4)本文对遗址区沉积地层序列的研究和他人对古文化层的年代测定结果具有较好的一致性,即:古人类在侯家窑—和尧庄遗址区生存的地质年代为中更新世晚期—晚更新世初,阶段年限约在22万年至16万年之间,为6万年左右。(5)古河流发育期间,不仅为众多的动植物提供了良好的生态环境,其不同河段的地貌特征更为古人类创造了优越的狩猎场所:遗址区发育的古河流绝大多地段的河床是以松软的泥河湾湖相砂泥质沉积层为基础,其极易侵蚀的特点,使古河流砂泥质含量增高,从而变得浑浊;但在侯家窑遗址一带的牛轭湖(沼泽)区域和和尧庄遗址附近的河湾(沼泽)区域,流速缓慢的水流使泥沙得以充分沉淀,水质清澈,又有繁盛的植物生长,因此遗址区既是众多动物汇集觅食和饮水之地,也是古人类有利的狩猎之地。古河流的存在对侯家窑—和尧庄遗址区古人类的生存繁衍具有重大意义。(6)虽然侯家窑一和尧庄遗址区的古人类生活在寒冷的气候背景下,但遗址区所处的山坳朝向东南、形如圈椅,那里不仅风和日丽,而且流水潺潺,又不乏用来制作石器的优质材料,生存环境远较其他地区优越。这对于生活在生产力水平低下的旧石器时代的古人类来讲,在那里倚河而居不能不说是一种必然的选择。
[Abstract]:Houjiayao Site and Heyaozhuang Site, as important paleoanthropological sites in the Middle Paleolithic Age of China, play a connecting role in the study of Oriental human origin, paleoanthropological evolution and Paleolithic cultural development. On the basis of the previous study of ancient rivers near Houjiayao site, this paper relies on the project of "Oriental Human Source Exploration Project - Study of Human Origin, Environment and Geological Background in Nihewan" (13277611D), Hebei Province, through eight times of field geology. Geomorphological investigation, geomagnetic survey, resistivity sounding and elevation survey have been carried out in a series of in-depth stages. The southward extension direction, scale and spatial distribution characteristics of ancient rivers in Houjiayao-Hoyaozhuang ruins area have been traced, and the natural and geographical environment for the survival of ancient human beings in the ruins area has been studied. The research results are as follows: (1) In the late Middle Pleistocene, an ancient river originating from the northern Xionger Mountains was developed in the Houjiayao-Yaozhuang site area. The River extends from NNW-SEE to SEE, and flows to SEE with the largest width of the main river in the area. The formation of the ancient rivers began in the rapid and large-scale retreat of the Nihewan ancient lake 240,000 years ago, and disappeared after being buried by large-scale alluvial and diluvial materials in the early Late Pleistocene. The development history of the ancient rivers spanned the entire period of human existence in Houjiayao-Yaozhuang area. (2) In the period of the development of the ancient rivers, Houjia The palaeogeomorphology of Yao-He Yaozhuang site generally inclines southward with an altitude of 920-960 m and a specific drop of about 1/90. The main channel bed inclines gently southward and southward eastward. The specific drop of the upper reaches near Houjiayao site is about 1/60, and that of the lower reaches near Yaozhuang site is only 1/120. On the plane, there are not only many branching channels or branching valleys, but also wide and shallow bays (swamps) and Oxbow lakes (swamps) left over by the bending of ancient rivers; vertically, the transverse section of ancient rivers is characterized by steep bank slopes and wide channel beds. There are fluvial (swampy) facies and oxbow lake (swampy) facies deposits and so on. (3) Houjiayao site and Yaozhuang site of the ancient human remains buried in the paleofluvial sedimentary layer and adjacent to the ancient river and the residual facies of the same period of clay layer, indicating that the Houjiayao-and Yaozhuang site area of the ancient human beings do not live on the lake, but live on the river, but the river developed in this area. From late Middle Pleistocene to early Late Pleistocene, the two sites are only 3 km apart, and the burial horizons of the ancient cultural relics are the same, but the buried River landforms are different, which also indicates that the two ancient cultural relics were imitated or acted by the same group of people at the same time. (4) This paper studies the sedimentary stratigraphic sequence of the site area and other people's research on the ancient cultural relics. The dating results of the cultural layers are in good agreement, that is, the geological age of the ancient man in the Houjiayao-Yaozhuang ruins area is from the late Middle Pleistocene to the early Late Pleistocene, and the period is between 220,000 and 160,000 years, providing good life for many animals and plants during the development of the ancient rivers. The riverbed of most of the ancient rivers in the ruins area is based on the soft muddy Bay lacustrine sandy muddy sediments, which are easily eroded, so that the sand and muddy content of the ancient rivers increases and becomes turbid. In the Niuyo Lake (swamp) area and the river bay (swamp) area near the Yaozhuang ruins, the slow-flowing water makes the sediment deposited sufficiently, the water quality is clear, and the plants grow flourishingly. Therefore, the ruins area is not only a place for many animals to gather for food and drinking, but also a place for hunting. The existence of ancient rivers is beneficial to Houjiayao. The survival and reproduction of the ancient humans in the Houjiayao-Yaozhuang ruins area is of great significance. (6) Although the ancient humans in the Houjiayao-Yaozhuang ruins area lived in a cold climate background, the mountain depression in the ruins area faces southeast like a circle chair. It is not only windy and sunny, but also has flowing water, and there is no lack of high-quality materials for making stone implements. It is a natural choice for Paleolithic humans living in low productivity areas to live by rivers.


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