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发布时间:2018-08-14 09:25
【摘要】: 寿州窑是唐代著名的瓷窑之一,在《茶经》中,唐人陆羽指出“寿州瓷黄,茶色紫”,将寿州窑列在当时名窑的第六位。但到了唐朝末年,寿州窑突然衰落。2009年5月,笔者对寿州窑进行了实地考察。本文以唐代寿州窑的发展历程为背景,分析了寿州窑兴衰的原因,主要从以下几部分展开: 第一部分,介绍了唐代寿州窑的历史背景和历史地位。寿州窑在盛唐时期形成独特的风格,它的强烈的开拓性和巨大的能动性,对当时及后世瓷器的发展,都有着积极的意义和深远的影响。 第二部分,唐代寿州窑工匠的创新精神、饮茶之风的盛行、优越的地理位置等方面导致了寿州窑的兴盛。至盛唐时,寿州窑开始烧造黄釉瓷器,经过百年的苦心经营,终于迎来了窑场林立、窑火不息的盛况,寿州窑一跃成为七大名窑之一,进入全盛期。 第三部分,寿州窑自身的工艺粗糙、茶税的加重和其它窑口的冲击等方面导致了寿州窑的衰败。晚唐,寿州窑瓷器没能跟紧时代步伐,随着国运衰退,再也无力支撑300年来积累下的黄釉产业,最终无声地淹没于青、白二色的世界里。
[Abstract]:Shouzhou Kiln is one of the famous porcelain kilns in Tang Dynasty. In Tea Classic, Lu Yu of Tang Dynasty pointed out that "Shouzhou porcelain yellow, brown purple", Shouzhou Kiln was listed as the sixth famous kiln at that time. But at the end of Tang Dynasty, Shouzhou kiln suddenly declined. In May 2009, the author made a field investigation on Shouzhou kiln. Based on the development of Shouzhou Kiln in Tang Dynasty, this paper analyzes the reasons for the rise and fall of Shouzhou Kiln, mainly from the following parts: the first part introduces the historical background and historical status of Shouzhou Kiln in Tang Dynasty. Shouzhou Kiln formed its unique style in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Its strong pioneering and great initiative had positive significance and far-reaching influence on the development of porcelain at that time and later generations. The second part, the innovation spirit of Shouzhou kiln craftsman in Tang Dynasty, the prevalence of tea drinking style, the superior geographical position and so on, led to the prosperity of Shouzhou kiln. At the height of Tang Dynasty, Shouzhou Kiln began to burn yellow glazed porcelain, after a hundred years of painstaking management, finally ushered in the burgeoning kiln, kiln fire, Shouzhou kiln became one of the seven famous kilns, into the heyday. In the third part, the crude process of Shouzhou kiln, the aggravation of tea tax and the impact of other kiln mouth lead to the decline of Shouzhou kiln. In the late Tang Dynasty, Shouzhou Kiln porcelain failed to keep pace with the times. With the decline of the country, it was no longer able to support the yellow glaze industry accumulated over the past 300 years, and finally drowned silently in the world of green, white and dichromatic.


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