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发布时间:2018-09-14 13:13
【摘要】:本文以马王堆出土文物为研究对象,主要从审美文化的角度,探讨以湖南长沙马王堆汉墓为代表的汉代初期审美文化的内涵和特征。 首先,从马王堆汉墓出土的T形帛画和彩绘漆棺,以及用具、五谷、衣物等陪葬物中,可以充分看出汉初人们对生命永存的期盼和灵魂不灭的信仰,是原始文化的积淀和古人审美追求的印证;出土的文物图像中浓缩了诸多远古时代的神话传说因素,巧妙的将天界与人间融为一体,充分展示出“天人合一”的生命观念和生命文化的审美理想。其“天人合一”思想的根源,正是源于神仙文化思想和楚文化浪漫气质的双重影响。 其次,西汉初年对清新亮丽的审美情趣和浪漫时尚的生活追求,在马王堆汉墓出土文物的种类、造型与绘画艺术中得到了鲜明的体现。马王堆中漆器的大量使用,不仅表现出汉初对器物实用功能与审美文化的完美结合,还反映了人们积极乐观的精神追求和对生命的无限热爱。服饰及生活娱乐用品,以其繁多的种类、艳丽的色彩、华美的纹饰,不仅再现了汉初贵族的物质文化生活,而且还体现出汉初服饰的等级制度、人们的审美意识及汉初贵族浪漫时尚的生活追求和精神追求。 最后,楚文化本身也是一个多元文化因素的复合体,不断融入了荆楚蛮夷文化、吴越文化以及巴蜀文化等。由于受地理环境、思想观念、风俗习惯和信仰等方面的影响,以马王堆为代表的汉代初期审美文化,形成了具有地域特色的浪漫诡异的审美趣味。同时,中原礼乐文化与南方楚文化的融合,使汉初的审美文化具有天人合一、清丽时尚、浪漫诡异气质的同时,又透出和谐、庄重、典雅的审美特点。
[Abstract]:This article takes the cultural relics unearthed in Mawangdui as the research object, mainly from the angle of aesthetic culture, discusses the connotation and characteristics of the early Han Dynasty aesthetic culture represented by Mawangdui Han Tomb in Changsha, Hunan. First of all, from the T-shaped silk paintings and painted coffins unearthed from the tomb of Mawangdui Han Dynasty, as well as utensils, cereals, clothing and other funerary objects, we can fully see the people's eternal hope for life and the immortal belief in soul in the early Han Dynasty. It is the accumulation of primitive culture and the aesthetic pursuit of the ancients. The unearthed images of cultural relics have concentrated many mythological and legends elements of ancient times and skillfully integrated the heavenly boundary with the human world. Fully demonstrate the concept of life and the aesthetic ideal of life culture. The origin of his thought of "the unity of man and nature" originates from the double influence of the immortals' cultural thought and the romantic temperament of Chu culture. Secondly, in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the fresh and beautiful aesthetic taste and romantic and fashionable pursuit of life, in the Mawangdui Han tomb unearthed cultural relics, modeling and painting art has been clearly reflected. The extensive use of lacquer ware in Mawangdui not only shows the perfect combination of practical function of objects and aesthetic culture in the early Han Dynasty, but also reflects people's positive and optimistic spiritual pursuit and infinite love for life. With its various kinds, bright colors and beautiful ornaments, clothing and entertainment not only reappeared the material and cultural life of the aristocrats in the early Han Dynasty, but also embodied the hierarchy system of the costumes in the early Han Dynasty. People's aesthetic consciousness and the romantic and fashionable life and spiritual pursuit of nobility in the early Han Dynasty. Finally, Chu culture itself is a complex of multi-cultural factors, which continuously integrates the culture of barbarians of Jingchu, Wuyue culture and Bashu culture. Due to the influence of geographical environment, ideas, customs and beliefs, the early Han Dynasty aesthetic culture, represented by Mawangdui, formed a romantic and eerie aesthetic interest with regional characteristics. At the same time, the fusion of the culture of etiquette and music in the Central Plains with the culture of Chu in the South makes the aesthetic culture of the early Han Dynasty have the aesthetic characteristics of harmony, dignity and elegance.


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