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发布时间:2018-09-18 07:04
【摘要】: 饮食器具是民众生活用器,包含食器、酒器等,具有极强的群组性和依附性。这种概念主要出于饮食活动中的“饮”与“食”两大系列用具。依附性主要体现在与生活习俗、经济贸易、工艺美术的勃兴等社会因素的密不可分上。辽宋金元时期社会背景具有政权对峙并立的特点,是北方游牧民族与农耕民族之间文化的频繁交互时期,是中国古代饮食器具集大成的时期。本文以该时期饮食器具发生发展的流变过程为线索,研究饮食器具不同时期所根植的生活区域文化对饮食器具产生的影响,分析各个民族群体在移动生活区域之间的传播现象,并从饮食器具发生发展的角度进行研究,着重论述该时期饮食器具的兴盛、蜕变、融合之路。饮食器具是民众生活的必需品,同时也是社会物质生活的缩影,集中反映了当时的社会民俗与饮食文化的面貌。鉴于国内对于该时期习俗文化的研究偏多,但饮食器具研究较为罕见的现状,有必要对其进行深入探讨。 辽宋金元时期饮食器具的发展,建立在前期社会长期孕育的基础上,形成具有典型时代特征与民族特征的器具群体。在对自然背景与社会背景的探讨中,以实证的方式,,主要考订了饮食器具生产制作的社会实况,认为存在逐步成熟的环境条件。饮食器具整体风貌是对饮食器具形状、特征客观而全面地阐述,主要是梳理功能分工之下的器具的类别,目的是寻求存在于器具形式背后或隐或显的使用者的生活需要、心理需求等影响动因。游牧民族与农耕民族的经济关系与文化交流的变迁,促进了社会进步和共同发展,为加速民族融合奠定了坚实的基础。许多民族团体脱离原本相对固定的生活地域,产生变迁与交融的社会格局,这对饮食器具的再创造和大发展具有了深远的影响。 总而言之,辽宋金元时期饮食器具之间相互影响交融的问题,是对中国饮食器具集大成的的解释。正是因为社会经济文化的不断交流,为民族融合找到了契合点和发展良机。本文得出该时期的饮食器具具有大规模集合定型的趋势及承托唐宋、后期明清的重大历史意义。对该时期饮食器具构成的发展及融合的求源,可以完善中国饮食器具发展史上的一定缺憾,是对古代器具文化、古代饮食文化研究有益的裨补。
[Abstract]:Food utensils are living utensils, including food utensils, wine utensils and so on, with strong group and dependence. This concept is mainly derived from the diet of the "drink" and "eat" two series of utensils. The dependence is mainly embodied in the social factors such as living custom, economic trade and the flourishing of arts and crafts. The social background of Liao, Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties was characterized by political confrontation, which was a period of frequent cultural interaction between nomadic and farming peoples in the north, and a period in which ancient Chinese food utensils were gathered together. Based on the development of food utensils in this period, this paper studies the influence of the culture of living area rooted in different periods of eating utensils on the food utensils, and analyzes the transmission phenomenon of various ethnic groups among the moving living areas. And from the point of view of the occurrence and development of food utensils, this paper focuses on the prosperity, transformation and integration of food utensils in this period. Food utensils are not only the necessities of people's life, but also the epitome of social material life, which reflects the appearance of folk customs and food culture at that time. In view of the fact that there are more researches on custom and culture in this period in China, but the research on food utensils is rare, it is necessary to probe into it deeply. The development of catering utensils in Liao Song Jin and Yuan dynasties was based on the long-term gestation of early society and formed a group of utensils with typical and national characteristics. In the discussion of the natural background and social background, the social reality of the production of food utensils is mainly studied in the way of demonstration, and it is considered that there are gradually mature environmental conditions. The overall style of eating utensils is to describe objectively and comprehensively the shape and characteristics of eating utensils, mainly to sort out the categories of utensils under the division of functions, in order to seek the living needs of users who exist behind the form of utensils or who are hidden or explicit. Psychological needs and other factors. The changes of economic relations and cultural exchanges between nomadic and farming nations have promoted social progress and common development and laid a solid foundation for speeding up ethnic integration. Many ethnic groups break away from the original relatively fixed living areas and produce a social pattern of change and blending, which has a profound impact on the re-creation and development of food utensils. In a word, the interaction between food utensils in Liao, Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties is a great explanation for Chinese food utensils. It is because of the continuous exchange of social economy and culture, for the ethnic integration to find a suitable point and development opportunities. This paper draws the conclusion that the eating utensils of this period have the tendency of large-scale aggregation and the historical significance of supporting the Tang and Song dynasties and the late Ming and Qing dynasties. The development and integration of food utensils in this period can improve the development of food utensils in China, which is beneficial to the study of ancient utensils and ancient food culture.


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