[Abstract]:Quwo on behalf of the wing, to the south extension of Xinjiang. Before the middle of spring and autumn, Wulao and near salt Sushui Valley was occupied by Jin. Many cemeteries have been found in this area. This paper selects the Spring and Autumn Tombs in Sushui River Basin as the research object, makes a careful study on the unearthed objects by using archaeological typology, establishes the age frame of the Spring and Autumn Tombs in Sushui Valley, and makes an analysis of the gradation of the tombs and the burial customs. The cultural factors of unearthed objects and other related problems were studied. The author thinks that the tomb of Spring and Autumn period in Sushui Valley can be divided into early, middle and late three periods, which are equivalent to the early, middle and late Spring and Autumn period respectively. There is also a small number of northern, Chu cultural factors. Hengshui Cemetery is one of the nine cemeteries surnamed Huai; the Shangguocun Cemetery is located in ancient Quwo and is the cemetery in the core area of Jin; the cemetery in front of the temple should belong to Wei; the burial place in Chengcun, Nanxiang Cemetery, is closely related to Zhi or Wei. The article points out that after Jin occupied Sushui Valley, most of them were sealed under the minister. To the end of the Spring and Autumn period, these lands became the internal struggle of Qing officials and the economic basis of the three families.
【作者单位】: 中国国家博物馆;
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