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发布时间:2018-11-19 15:08
【摘要】: 本文通过敦煌文书中对敦煌当地人工水渠的记载,整理出敦煌地区自汉至宋人工水利设施图表,在此工作之上,辅之现代地理地貌,综合整理唐朝以前、唐时期及唐朝以后敦煌县及其周边人工水系分布图,并对这三张图中的差异进行了详细的对比分析,总结其演变发展的特征。从中得出唐以前,敦煌地区的人工水利设施仅为其发展之雏形,虽然敦煌地区的水利设施在五凉时期,得到了显著地改善,但只是作为盛唐时期的基础。而唐时期,敦煌地区的人工水系发生了较大的变化,人工水渠与天然河流交通连结,对当地的农业灌溉起到了相当巨大的作用,而此时中央政权也对敦煌有着较高的关注度,而敦煌也确实在唐时期成为河西地区乃至整个中国的咽喉,无论在政治、经济、军事乃至文化方面,敦煌都形成了自己独特的体系,在中西交通的丝绸之路上发挥着重要的作用。而自宋朝起,敦煌地区的人工水利设施不再有显著地发展,天然湖泽开始出现萎缩甚至枯竭,此种状况的出现,刚好对应了对陇南万象洞石笋样品研究得出的数据,联系两地气候之间的对应关系,推出敦煌地区在气候变化影响下当时的自然环境开始呈现下坡趋势。将以上两方面的研究结论进行联系,得出敦煌水系的变化主要受季风和人为两个重要因素的影响,最终可知水系演变不仅揭示了统治政权对敦煌地区的关注程度,并且在一定意义上影响着敦煌自身的发展趋势。
[Abstract]:Based on the records of the local artificial canal in Dunhuang, this paper collates the charts of artificial water conservancy facilities in Dunhuang area from Han to Song dynasties. On the basis of this work, it is supplemented by modern geographical landforms and comprehensive arrangement before the Tang Dynasty. The distribution map of artificial water system in Dunhuang County and its surrounding area in Tang Dynasty and after Tang Dynasty is given. The differences between these three maps are compared and analyzed in detail, and the characteristics of their evolution and development are summarized. Before the middle Tang Dynasty, the artificial water conservancy facilities in Dunhuang area were only the embryonic form of their development. Although the water conservancy facilities in Dunhuang area were significantly improved during the Wuliang period, they were only the foundation of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, the artificial water system in Dunhuang area changed greatly. The connection between artificial canal and natural rivers played a very important role in the local agricultural irrigation, and the central government also paid more attention to Dunhuang at that time. Dunhuang indeed became the throat of Hexi region and even the whole of China during the Tang Dynasty. In terms of politics, economy, military affairs and even culture, Dunhuang has formed its own unique system. It plays an important role on the Silk Road. Since the Song Dynasty, the artificial water conservancy facilities in Dunhuang area no longer developed significantly, and the natural lakes began to shrink or even dried up. This situation coincided with the data obtained from the study of stalagmite samples from Wanxiang Cave in Longnan. According to the corresponding relationship between the climate of the two places, it is concluded that the natural environment of Dunhuang area began to show a downhill trend under the influence of climate change. By connecting the above two conclusions, it is concluded that the changes of Dunhuang river system are mainly influenced by monsoon and human factors. Finally, the evolution of the river system not only reveals the degree of the regime's concern to Dunhuang area, And to a certain extent, it affects the development trend of Dunhuang itself.


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