[Abstract]:The practical and artistic Wadang showed its unique charm in the development of ancient Chinese art. After thousands of years of accumulation, Wadang patterns from scratch, from simple to complex, with the times, regions, cultures and customs of change and continue to change and develop, showing a colorful artistic face. Among the many Wadang patterns, Phoenix bird pattern has a unique charm. Phoenix bird pattern is one of the totem patterns of the Chinese nation. It is a combination of natural image and subjective creation, and a perfect interpretation of the artistic imagination and modeling ability of the ancients. The study of the art of Phoenix and bird patterns can help us understand the aesthetic understanding and emotional expression of the ancient ancestors, as well as the development of the pattern of traditional art and the application of sculptural techniques in the art of Wadang. This paper is divided into four parts: firstly, the cultural origin of Phoenix bird is briefly introduced, and the origin and image of Phoenix bird are analyzed. The archaeological discovery of Phoenix bird waddang is introduced in this paper. It also analyzes the pattern of Phoenix and bird patterns, combs and distinguishes the shape characteristics of Phoenix bird pattern tile, and makes the distinction of its type more clear. Secondly, combining with the archaeological development of Wadang, this paper focuses on the analysis of the modelling of the Phoenix bird pattern tile, shows the characteristics of each period of the Phoenix bird pattern tile, and compares the differences of the Phoenix bird pattern tile shape in each period. It shows a dynamic development of the Phoenix bird pattern of Wadang development. The third part analyzes the unique artistic charm of Fengyao Wadang in each period, and summarizes its expressive methods. Finally, combining with the aesthetic thought of Fengyao Wadang era, it analyzes its aesthetic implication.
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