[Abstract]:From the Song Dynasty to the modern times, the research on the Han tablet is very rich, but these achievements mainly focus on the textual research, calligraphy, form and so on. The research on the value of historical materials of Han tablets has always been a relatively weak part of the study of Han tablets. In the monographs of Han tablet research, Hong Shi's "Li Shi" has been involved in more research on the value of historical materials of Han tablets, followed by Ouyang Xiu's "Collection of Ancient Records". Zhao Mingcheng, Jin Shi Lu, Wang Chang, gold and stone extraction, etc., occasionally dabbled in this topic. Based on the purpose of summing up the research results of the historical materials of Han Dynasty, this paper mainly compiles the results concerning the value of historical materials of Han tablets from the above works, and classifies them according to their contents. At the same time, combining with the inscription, the content of the portrait and the handed down documents, this paper analyzes and summarizes the various aspects of the social and cultural life of the Han Dynasty displayed by the Han Dynasty, which is a new development for the study of the value of the historical materials of the Han Dynasty. The first part of this paper is the introduction, mainly introduces the research significance and purpose, the past research situation, the research thought and the research method and so on. The second part of this paper is a summary of the study on the value of the historical materials of the Han tablet, from the use of the Han tablet and the historical books to verify each other, through the Han stone investigation of the Han Dynasty geography, through the Han stone inspection of the Han Dynasty system three aspects. This paper classifies the historical value of Han tablets compiled in the works of gold and stone in the past dynasties. The third part of this paper is the new development of the research on the value of the historical materials of the Han stele, combining with the inscription, the portrait and the documents handed down from the world to carry on the analysis and research, then summarized roughly for the classics, the document system, the economy, the cultural custom, the religious belief and so on several aspects. The fourth part is the conclusion, which summarizes the whole paper and points out the deficiency for further study.
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