发布时间:2019-01-03 11:38
【摘要】:正《考古》2012年3期刊载汪勃《再谈中国出土唐代中晚期至五代的西亚伊斯兰孔雀蓝釉陶器》(下简称《再谈》)。该文有多处失误,择要略述如下。(一)第85页英文提要第2行Jiaozhou(in guangxi)译为"交州(在广西)"。唐代交州的地理范围在今越南北部,与广西无涉。(二)第93页左12行,"《新唐书·地理志》中载……从广州海行经环王(交州,即今河内)……"。环王在今越南中南部,与交州并非一地。《新唐书·南蛮传》云:"环王,本林邑地,一曰占不劳,亦曰占婆。直交州南,海行……"。
[Abstract]:"Archaeology" 3 periodicals in 2012, Wang Bo, "on the Blue glazed Pottery of the West Asian Peacock unearthed from the Middle and late Tang Dynasty to the five dynasties in China" (hereinafter referred to as "further talk"). This article has a number of mistakes, the choice is summarized as follows. Line 2 of the English abstract on page 85 is translated as "Jiaozhou (in Guangxi)". The geography of Jiaozhou in Tang Dynasty lies in the northern part of Vietnam and has no relation with Guangxi. (2) on page 93, 12 lines left, "the Geography of the New Tang Dynasty". From the sea of Guangzhou, it runs through Huan Wang (Jiaozhou, that is, Hanoi). Huan Wang is not the same place as Jiaozhou in central and southern Vietnam.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院考古研究所;
[Abstract]:"Archaeology" 3 periodicals in 2012, Wang Bo, "on the Blue glazed Pottery of the West Asian Peacock unearthed from the Middle and late Tang Dynasty to the five dynasties in China" (hereinafter referred to as "further talk"). This article has a number of mistakes, the choice is summarized as follows. Line 2 of the English abstract on page 85 is translated as "Jiaozhou (in Guangxi)". The geography of Jiaozhou in Tang Dynasty lies in the northern part of Vietnam and has no relation with Guangxi. (2) on page 93, 12 lines left, "the Geography of the New Tang Dynasty". From the sea of Guangzhou, it runs through Huan Wang (Jiaozhou, that is, Hanoi). Huan Wang is not the same place as Jiaozhou in central and southern Vietnam.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院考古研究所;
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