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发布时间:2019-01-04 18:03
【摘要】:俑是中国封建社会出现的一种陪葬用的明器,是古人“事死如事生”观念的产物,尤以汉代和唐代最为有代表性。作为我国封建社会发展的鼎盛时期,唐代社会的繁荣和多彩的生活为陶俑艺术提供了极为丰富的创作素材。俑是历代社会生活的缩影,本文以唐代陶俑中女俑作为叙述和分析的对象,从其体貌造型,艺术成就等几个方面进行例举和介绍,使读者对唐朝女俑的种类发展,造型特点和兴衰流变有一定的认识。 本文第一段阐述了古代女陶俑艺术的发展状况,简要介绍分析了其在各个时期女俑的发展及其主要特点,为下一部分唐代女俑的叙述作铺垫。第二部着重以大量图片资料,来分析唐代女俑的种类和各个时期的艺术造型特征,第三部分系统的总结了唐代女俑的艺术成就,包括写实主义的塑造手法和浪漫主义的气质表现,和异域化题材的影响。第四部分分析女俑艺术成就形成的原因,以及其与音乐,绘画,佛教艺术等之间的联系与影响。 结语简单的叙述了陶俑的产生以及其发展流变,对唐代女陶俑艺术的风格转变等作了总结,并且予以评价。本文着重讨论了唐代女俑的造型艺术,希望通过对其的分析和说明研究,能为这一艺术形式进行资料的梳理,并提供一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:The figurines are a kind of Ming ware used for funerary in Chinese feudal society. They are the product of the ancients' idea of "serving death as life", especially in Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. As the development of feudal society in China, the prosperity and colorful life of Tang Dynasty provided a great deal of creative materials for the art of pottery figurines. The figurines are the epitome of the social life of the past dynasties. This article takes the female figurines in the Tang Dynasty as the object of narration and analysis, and gives examples and introductions from the aspects of their body shape and artistic achievements, so as to make readers develop the types of the female figurines in the Tang Dynasty. The shape characteristic and the rise and fall change have certain understanding. The first paragraph of this paper describes the development of the ancient ceramic figurines, briefly introduces the development of the terracotta figures in each period and their main characteristics, paving the way for the next part of the narration of the female terracotta figures in the Tang Dynasty. The second part focuses on a large number of picture materials to analyze the types of female figurines in Tang Dynasty and the artistic modeling characteristics of each period. The third part systematically summarizes the artistic achievements of female figurines in Tang Dynasty. Including realism shaping techniques and romantic temperament performance, and the influence of exotic themes. The fourth part analyzes the reasons for the artistic achievement of the terracotta figures, and its relationship and influence with music, painting, Buddhist art and so on. The conclusion briefly describes the emergence and development of the pottery figurines, summarizes the style changes of the female pottery figurines in the Tang Dynasty, and evaluates them. This paper focuses on the plastic arts of the figurines of the Tang Dynasty, hoping that through the analysis and study of them, it will be able to carve out the materials and provide some reference value for this artistic form.


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