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发布时间:2019-01-04 18:26
【摘要】: 黄河流域是中国文明的发源地之一,在这一流域分布着诸多的史前遗址,这些遗址为我们研究这一地区的史前文明提供了重要的实物资料。男女合葬墓被认为是窥探史前婚姻状况、世系制度、两性关系的重要素材。而建立在男女合葬墓尤其是双人男女合葬墓基础上的各种相关讨论和研究也一直从未停止。 本文立足于黄河流域史前男女合葬墓的资料基础上,根据男女合葬墓中人骨的埋葬特点将分为三个大类。在此基础上,根据男女合葬墓中人骨的埋葬方式、摆放姿势将其划分为12个特征比较明显的小类,然后结合黄河流域的文化序列、地层打破、叠压等关系确立出不同类型的相对时间关系。并结合男女合葬墓的类型、数量、分布区域等因素将其发展和流变划分为5个不同的阶段。甲类男女合葬墓中的人骨均为一次葬,因此在埋葬方式、墓葬性质上的意见分歧较大。而甲类男女合葬墓多在墓葬特征、人骨情况上表现出一些异常现象。经过归纳分析这些异常现象大致有4类,尤其以人骨扰动的比例最大。结合临潭墓地中出现的合葬墓多次挖开的地层证据,我们认为史前黄河流域男女合葬墓尤其是一次葬的合葬墓在埋葬的过程上可能存在先后顺序。同时,结合男女合葬墓的数量、随葬品等情况的统计,我们认为男女合葬墓尤其是双人男女合葬墓作为世系划分的标准是需要思考的,对于史前社会的两性关系、社会形态等问题的研究还需要有更多的思考。
[Abstract]:The Yellow River Basin is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, in which many prehistoric sites are distributed. These sites provide important material for us to study the prehistoric civilization in this area. The tombs of men and women are considered to be important materials for prying into prehistoric marriage, lineage, and gender relations. All kinds of related discussions and studies have never stopped on the basis of the joint burial tombs of men and women, especially the tombs of double men and women. Based on the data of the joint burial of men and women in the Yellow River Basin, this paper will be divided into three categories according to the characteristics of the burial of human bones in the graves of men and women. On this basis, according to the burial patterns of human bones in the graves of men and women, they are divided into 12 distinct subclasses by posture, and then combined with the cultural sequence of the Yellow River Basin, the strata are broken down. Different types of relative time relations are established by the superimposed pressure relation. Combined with the type, quantity and distribution of the tombs of men and women, the development and rheology of the tombs were divided into five different stages. The human bones in the graveyard of Class A men and women are all buried at one time, so opinions on the nature of burial are quite different. However, the graveyard of A type men and women are mostly buried in the tombs, and the human bones show some abnormal phenomena. There are four kinds of abnormal phenomena, especially the human bone disturbance. Combined with the stratigraphic evidence of multiple excavations in the Lintan cemetery, we think that there may be sequence of burial in the prehistoric Yellow River basin, especially in the primary burial. At the same time, according to the statistics of the number of co-burial tombs for men and women, and the number of burial objects, we believe that the joint burial tombs of men and women, especially those of double men and women, should be considered as the criteria for the division of descent, and that the relationship between the two sexes in prehistoric society should be considered. The study of social formation and other problems still needs more thinking.


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