[Abstract]:Through farming civilization, traditional villages have inherited countless cultural heritage in the accumulation of history. Under the background of industrialization and urbanization, many traditional villages show signs of decay and even face the crisis of survival. It is a good way to promote the sustainable development of traditional villages to explore how to make rational use of the cultural heritage of traditional villages. The use of traditional village cultural heritage mainly involves two aspects: technology and management. The technical aspect is mainly concerned with how to make the use of cultural heritage more diversified. At the management level, the governance mechanism is studied from the perspective of the operation and management of the utilization of cultural heritage. Based on the latter, this paper, from the perspective of public management theory, uses the methods of literature research, field investigation and case study to study the operation and management of the utilization of cultural heritage based on the development and practice of the traditional villages in Guizhou. The number of traditional villages in Guizhou is in the front of the whole country. It pays attention to the utilization of the cultural heritage of the traditional villages and has certain experience and characteristics of governance. The development model of rice, fish and duck industry in Dong nationality villages in Congjiang County, and the "Village for Village" program initiated by the third department of Tencent Public Welfare Fund in Tongguancun, Liping County, are good references for Guizhou to develop traditional villages with cultural heritage. At the same time, the problems existing in the process of cultural heritage utilization in Guizhou traditional villages are: unifying and homogenization of the traditional village cultural heritage utilization mode, the benefit game between the government, developers and villagers, the shortage of funds for the development of cultural heritage; The unsound management mode of cultural heritage utilization. In the traditional governance mechanism, the local government is still the only governance center, which is difficult to avoid the problems of government failure, market failure and immature community governance in the process of traditional village cultural heritage utilization. The institutional analysis school represented by Ostrom puts forward the theory of multi-center governance, which breaks the two-dimension thinking frame of government and market, and emphasizes on the basis of government intervention and market mechanism regulation. By introducing other subjects related to traditional villages, including community, villagers, social forces and so on, a cooperative governance mechanism suitable for the utilization of cultural heritage of traditional villages is constructed. In the government, society, market three operating mechanisms, in addition to play their respective governance role, but also need to strengthen coordination. A systematic and complete governance mechanism can effectively organize and manage and supervise the utilization of traditional village resources.
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