[Abstract]:Jiangxi Jingdezhen Hutian kiln and Guangdong Chaozhou Bijiashan kiln belong to the porcelain kiln system of firing celadon and white porcelain. This paper studies and combs the kiln and utensils of Jingdezhen Hutian kiln and Chaozhou Bijiashan kiln, including the kiln furnaces and furnishings, the technology of loading and burning, the manufacturing technology, the variety and modeling, the body and glaze color, and the decoration, etc. On this basis, the relationship between the two kilns is discussed. It is found that the two kilns not only have the same common features, but also have some differences due to the regional differences. The blue-and-white porcelain in Bijiashan kiln is influenced by Hutian kiln and has obvious regional characteristics.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学历史学院;
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