[Abstract]:The tombs of kings in the Ming Dynasty are an important part of the system of tombs in the Ming Dynasty. Firstly, this paper systematically introduces the provisions of the funeral system of the Ming Dynasty, and then makes a systematic introduction to the cemetery architecture of the tombs of the kings in the Ming Dynasty, taking the tombs of the kings in the Ming Dynasty as the object of study. The structure of the tomb and the funeral objects are summarized and analyzed. Finally, by combing the tomb of the king, this paper analyzes the evolution of the funeral concept reflected by the burial system, and the humanistic connotation represented by the hierarchical system and the concept of the soul, etc. This paper probes into the historical status and function of Jiangxi Ming Dynasty imperial tombs in the system of Chinese Ming Dynasty mausoleums. This article mainly takes five chapters as the basic structure to carry on the elaboration. Chapter one, introduction. This paper summarizes the status of research on the tombs of kings in the Ming Dynasty in Jiangxi Province, and expounds the research methods and objectives of this paper. The second chapter clarifies the structure and preservation of the ground buildings in the mausoleum, and the cleaning of the Xuangong, which provides the basic basis for the comparison and analysis of the later research. In the third chapter, the typology of the imperial tombs of the Ming Dynasty in Jiangxi is studied, and the development of the culture of the tombs of the emperors in the Ming Dynasty in Jiangxi is divided into stages. The fourth chapter discusses the location of burial, funeral, sacrifice and other related issues related to the system of imperial tombs in the Ming Dynasty of Jiangxi Province. Then it discusses the inheritance and innovation of the tomb culture of the emperor in the Ming Dynasty in Jiangxi Province. The fifth chapter, on the basis of the previous article, summarizes and looks forward to Jiangxi Ming Dynasty Fangwang Tomb system. The tombs of kings in the Ming Dynasty in Jiangxi not only reflected the feudal hierarchy system, the culture of royal funeral, the thought of emperors, but also had important practical guiding significance for archaeological investigation in the field. At the same time, it is also an effective way to explore the integration and development of local society, which plays an important and far-reaching role in perfecting and enriching the study of the system of imperial mausoleums in the Ming Dynasty in China.
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