发布时间:2019-03-16 16:37
【摘要】: 在秦岭以南、大巴山—巫山一线以东、汉水以西及长江以北的广大地区,西周早中期主要存在周文化、江汉平原土著文化及扁、柱足鬲文化遗存;西周晚期—春秋早期,考古学文化的区域性特征加强,楚文化风格越来越明显。 将早期楚文化初步分成西周早期、中期、晚期和春秋早期。西周早中期主要见长方形地面式排房建筑和扁、柱足陶鬲,西周晚期开始出现柱足鬲、盂、豆、盆、罐组合,春秋早期在墓葬中新出现中原风格铜陶礼器。 早期楚文化最早以分布于丹水中上游及丹江口库区的过凤楼类型为代表。大约从西周晚期开始,其势力向鄂西扩展,其中的一支与汉阳姬姓周文化在宜城平原地区发展成真武山类型,而另一支沿荆山和古漳沮河南下至江汉平原,并与当地土著文化融合而成磨盘山类型。至两周之际,过凤楼类型逐渐退出了丹水中上游及丹淅之汇,而真武山类型和磨盘山类型则迅速发展起来,并最先于鄂西地区形成灿烂的楚文化。 早期楚文化在发展的过程中,受到了周边地区同时期考古学文化不同程度的影响,并在兼收并蓄中发展壮大。
[Abstract]:In the south of Qinling Mountains, east of Dabashan-Wushan line, west of Hanshui and north of the Yangtze River, Zhou culture, Jianghan plain indigenous culture and Bian, Zhu Zuo culture remains in the early and middle period of the Western Zhou Dynasty. From late Western Zhou Dynasty to early Spring and Autumn period, the regional characteristics of archeological culture were strengthened, and Chu culture style became more and more obvious. The early Chu culture was divided into early Western Zhou, Middle, late and early Spring and Autumn periods. In the early and middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were mainly rectangular floor-arranged buildings and flat, column-foot pottery Li, and the late Western Zhou Dynasty began to appear column-foot Li, pelvis, beans, pots, pots and pots. In the early Spring and Autumn period, the Central Plains-style copper pottery ware appeared in the tombs. Early Chu culture was first distributed in the upper reaches of Danshui and Danjiangkou reservoir area as representative of Guofeng Building. From about the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, its influence expanded to the west of Hubei. One of them and the Zhou culture surnamed Hanyang developed into the Zhenwu Mountain type in the Yicheng Plain, and the other along the Jingshan Mountains and the ancient Zhangjuhe River south to the Jianghan Plain. And blend with the local indigenous culture to form the Mopan Mountain type. In the last two weeks, Gou Fenglou type gradually withdrew from the upper reaches of Danshui and Danxinghui, while Zhenwu Mountain type and Mopanshan type developed rapidly, and first formed brilliant Chu culture in western Hubei. In the process of the development of Chu culture in the early period, it was influenced by the archaeology culture of the same period in the surrounding areas, and developed and strengthened in the process of inclusive storage.
[Abstract]:In the south of Qinling Mountains, east of Dabashan-Wushan line, west of Hanshui and north of the Yangtze River, Zhou culture, Jianghan plain indigenous culture and Bian, Zhu Zuo culture remains in the early and middle period of the Western Zhou Dynasty. From late Western Zhou Dynasty to early Spring and Autumn period, the regional characteristics of archeological culture were strengthened, and Chu culture style became more and more obvious. The early Chu culture was divided into early Western Zhou, Middle, late and early Spring and Autumn periods. In the early and middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were mainly rectangular floor-arranged buildings and flat, column-foot pottery Li, and the late Western Zhou Dynasty began to appear column-foot Li, pelvis, beans, pots, pots and pots. In the early Spring and Autumn period, the Central Plains-style copper pottery ware appeared in the tombs. Early Chu culture was first distributed in the upper reaches of Danshui and Danjiangkou reservoir area as representative of Guofeng Building. From about the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, its influence expanded to the west of Hubei. One of them and the Zhou culture surnamed Hanyang developed into the Zhenwu Mountain type in the Yicheng Plain, and the other along the Jingshan Mountains and the ancient Zhangjuhe River south to the Jianghan Plain. And blend with the local indigenous culture to form the Mopan Mountain type. In the last two weeks, Gou Fenglou type gradually withdrew from the upper reaches of Danshui and Danxinghui, while Zhenwu Mountain type and Mopanshan type developed rapidly, and first formed brilliant Chu culture in western Hubei. In the process of the development of Chu culture in the early period, it was influenced by the archaeology culture of the same period in the surrounding areas, and developed and strengthened in the process of inclusive storage.
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