[Abstract]:The research object of this paper is the tomb of Hongshan culture period in Liaoning area. The full text is divided into six parts: summary of research, classification of tombs, stages of tombs, classification and understanding of burial objects, social conditions reflected by the tombs, and differences between the tombs and the cultural tombs of Hongshan in the surrounding areas. The first part is a summary of the research. The discovery and research status of tombs in this area are summarized. The second part is the classification of tombs. According to the present excavations, this paper generalizes the characteristics of the form and system of the tombs and the different ways of the existence of the tombs. According to the difference between the tombs and the burial utensils, the types of tombs in this area are divided into four categories, and the graves excavated in each place are classified and sorted, and the connotation and characteristics of the tombs are analyzed and summarized. The third part is the period of burial. According to the relationship between the strata of the tombs and the broken and superimposed conditions of the tombs, according to the different construction modes of the tombs in different stages, the tombs of Hongshan culture in Liaoning area were divided into stages. The fourth part is the classification of funeral objects. On the basis of the classification and classification of the funeral objects, the following objects are further classified according to the different functions, and the relationship between the types of burial objects and the objects followed by the burial objects is discussed. The fifth part is the social situation reflected by the tombs. This paper mainly analyzes the social situation from three aspects: social division of labor, hierarchical differentiation and the emergence of religious belief, and then probes into its social attributes. The sixth part is the difference between the cultural tombs of Hongshan and surrounding areas. This paper compares the Hongshan cultural tombs in Liaoning area with the Hongshan cultural tombs in Inner Mongolia in terms of types and funeral objects, and analyzes the differences among the Hongshan culture in different areas.
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