发布时间:2019-05-24 01:42
【摘要】: 重庆地区黑釉瓷窑是以涂山窑为代表的,包括清溪窑、合州窑、昌州窑以及涪陵蔺市窑在内的五处窑场。涂山窑的研究工作从八十年代起,经过数十年的研究已取得了很大的进展,对于时代分期、产品结构、烧造工艺等方面已经有了一定的认识。其他四处窑场由于发掘材料的限制(清溪窑只进行了部分发掘,合州窑的整理工作尚未完成,昌州窑以及蔺市还未进行发掘),所以对各窑场的宏观认识、产品的工艺特征、胎釉化学组成等方面仍存在较大的探讨空间。另外涂山窑两次发掘虽然都拣选了瓷器标本进行测试,但除曜变纹外,并未对其他有代表性的窑变品种如蓝兔毫、花瓣形放射状纹的标本进行测试,所以无法掌握其釉料配方,对其成形机理也无法进行更为深入的研究。而对上述问题的补阙便是本文研究的价值所在。 本文共分六个部分,主要内容如下:第一部分绪言着重介绍了该研究的意义和价值。重庆地区的制瓷业在历史文献中并无记载,但经过数十年的考古发掘,尤其是随着小湾、酱园以及清溪窑发掘、整理工作的完成,使涂山窑发展的轮廓开始慢慢清晰起来,加之在三峡工程抢救性考古发掘中出土了大量涂山窑黑釉瓷,进一步充实了研究资料,作为宋代重庆地区规模最大、品种最多、窑变最美丽的瓷窑类型,对于它的研究具有十分重要的意义。第二部分概述了中国黑釉瓷的产生以及发展过程,与酱褐色釉是一胞兄弟,原始黑瓷就是在酱褐釉的基础上发展而来的;重庆自然资源丰富,盛产瓷土和原煤这是促使涂山窑发展的一个天然因素;再加上随着政治、经济中心的南迁,大量的人口迁入长江流域各市镇,社会需求的增长也促使其发展;随着茶文化的普及,茶肆文化应运而生,茶馆的繁荣对重庆地区黑釉瓷的发展也起到了积极的推动作用;地处两江交汇处的涂山窑,凭借便利的水路交通,将产品销往沿江城市,良好的市场反馈又反过来刺激它的发展,生产与销售相互促进、相互发展。第三部分主要对涂山窑各窑场的基本情况、典型器物进行介绍,再对产品的工艺特征进行探讨,最后在前两者的基础上,结合出土器物地点,对涂山窑系产品的流通、传播路线进行研究,结果表明涂山窑的销售网络主要是长江及其支流沿岸市镇,从出土器物种类看主要以生活日用器为主,涂山窑黑釉瓷以其经济耐用,朴素大方的特性得到了峡区民众的喜爱;第四部分也是本文的创新之处,即利用SPSS统计软件对所测试数据进行分析与讨论,结果显示各窑场间胎的成分差异较大,但釉料的主体配方大致相同;第五部分分是找寻涂山窑与南北瓷窑之间的关系,在南方以建窑以及吉州窑对重庆地区的黑釉瓷影响最大,分别体现在器型、装饰纹样方面,而在北方则是耀州窑以及磁州窑对其影响最大,体现在窑炉形制、装烧工艺以及产品形制方面。第六部分为全文的总结。主要结论有:一、重庆地区黑釉瓷在碗腹外壁底部的坡面非斜切而是平切,作风较为特殊;二、碗的底足造型多样,有浅玉璧底、高圈足、矮圈足等,但不能由此作为判断时代先后的依据;三、黑瓷胎土是因地制宜在当地选取材料,而釉质则受到了同一配方的影响;四、由于便利的地理位置,重庆地区黑釉瓷发展受到南北瓷业系统的影响,在其共同作用下,催生了涂山窑。
[Abstract]:The black-glazed porcelain kiln in the Chongqing area is represented by the Tu-shan kiln, including the Qingxi kiln, the combined state kiln, the Changzhou kiln and the five-way kiln yard, including the kiln of the Mausoleum. Since the 1980 's, the research work of Tu Shan kiln has made great progress in the past decades, and has made a certain understanding of the stage of the times, the product structure, the burning technology and so on. Due to the limitation of the excavation materials (in the Qingxi kiln, only a partial excavation is carried out in the Qingxi kiln, the finishing work of the State kiln has not been completed, and the Changzhou kiln and the city market have not yet been excavated), the macroscopic cognition of each kiln field, the process characteristics of the product, There is still a large exploration space in the composition of the glaze chemistry. in addition, that two-time excavation of the mountain-coated kiln, although the porcelain specimen are selected for testing, is not tested for other representative kiln-variant varieties such as blue rabbit and petal-shaped radial veins, so that the glaze formula can not be mastered, It is also not possible to carry out a more in-depth study on its forming mechanism. The supplement of the above-mentioned problems is the value of this study. This paper is divided into six parts. The main contents are as follows: The first part is the introduction of the significance of the study. The porcelain industry in the Chongqing area is not recorded in the historical literature, but it has been excavated for several decades, especially with the excavation and finishing of the small bay, the sauce garden and the Qingxi kiln, so that the outline of the development of the painting kiln is beginning to be gradually clear. In addition, a large number of black-glazed porcelain in the mountain kiln has been unearthed in the archaeological excavation of the Three Gorges Project, and the research data is further enriched. As the largest in the Chongqing area in the Song Dynasty, the most beautiful porcelain kiln type in the kiln, it is very important for its research The second part provides an overview of the production and development of Chinese black-glazed porcelain, which is developed from the brown glaze of the sauce. The original black porcelain is developed on the basis of the brown glaze of the paste. The natural resources of Chongqing are rich, and the porcelain clay and the raw coal are rich in natural resources. This is a day for the development of the mountain-coated kiln. In addition, with the change of politics and economic center, a large number of people move to the cities of the Yangtze River, and the growth of social demand has also led to its development; with the popularization of the tea culture, the culture of the tea-restaurant should be The prosperity of the tea house has also played an active role in the development of the black-glazed porcelain in the Chongqing area, and is located at the mountain-coated kiln at the junction of the two rivers. With the convenience of the waterway transportation, the product is sold to the city along the river, and the good market feedback, in turn, stimulates its development, production and sales mutual promotion, phase The third part mainly introduces the basic situation and typical ware of each kiln field in the coated mountain kiln, and then discusses the process characteristics of the products, and finally, on the basis of both the first and the last, the circulation and the propagation route of the product in the painted mountain kiln are combined with the location of the excavated objects. The results show that the sales network of the coated mountain kiln is mainly the coastal town of the Yangtze River and its tributaries, which is mainly based on the daily life-use device, and the black-glazed porcelain of the Tu-shan kiln is the favorite of the people in the isthmus with its economic and durable characteristics. The fourth part is the creation of this paper. In the new place, the data is analyzed and discussed by using the SPSS statistical software. The results show that the composition difference of the tire in each kiln is large, but the main formula of the glaze is the same. The fifth part is to find the application of the paint-coated kiln and the north-south china kiln. In the south, the influence of the kiln and the Jizhou kiln on the black-glazed porcelain in the Chongqing area is the largest, which is reflected in the aspects of device type and decorative pattern. In the north, it is the Yaozhou kiln and the magnetic state kiln, and the influence is the most, which is reflected in the kiln-shape system, the firing process and the product shape. The sixth part of the system is the full text. The main conclusions are as follows:1. The slope on the bottom of the outer wall of the bowl and the outer wall of the outer wall of the bowl is not chamfered, but the style is special. According to the three, black porcelain is the local material selected according to the local conditions, and the enamel is affected by the same formula.
[Abstract]:The black-glazed porcelain kiln in the Chongqing area is represented by the Tu-shan kiln, including the Qingxi kiln, the combined state kiln, the Changzhou kiln and the five-way kiln yard, including the kiln of the Mausoleum. Since the 1980 's, the research work of Tu Shan kiln has made great progress in the past decades, and has made a certain understanding of the stage of the times, the product structure, the burning technology and so on. Due to the limitation of the excavation materials (in the Qingxi kiln, only a partial excavation is carried out in the Qingxi kiln, the finishing work of the State kiln has not been completed, and the Changzhou kiln and the city market have not yet been excavated), the macroscopic cognition of each kiln field, the process characteristics of the product, There is still a large exploration space in the composition of the glaze chemistry. in addition, that two-time excavation of the mountain-coated kiln, although the porcelain specimen are selected for testing, is not tested for other representative kiln-variant varieties such as blue rabbit and petal-shaped radial veins, so that the glaze formula can not be mastered, It is also not possible to carry out a more in-depth study on its forming mechanism. The supplement of the above-mentioned problems is the value of this study. This paper is divided into six parts. The main contents are as follows: The first part is the introduction of the significance of the study. The porcelain industry in the Chongqing area is not recorded in the historical literature, but it has been excavated for several decades, especially with the excavation and finishing of the small bay, the sauce garden and the Qingxi kiln, so that the outline of the development of the painting kiln is beginning to be gradually clear. In addition, a large number of black-glazed porcelain in the mountain kiln has been unearthed in the archaeological excavation of the Three Gorges Project, and the research data is further enriched. As the largest in the Chongqing area in the Song Dynasty, the most beautiful porcelain kiln type in the kiln, it is very important for its research The second part provides an overview of the production and development of Chinese black-glazed porcelain, which is developed from the brown glaze of the sauce. The original black porcelain is developed on the basis of the brown glaze of the paste. The natural resources of Chongqing are rich, and the porcelain clay and the raw coal are rich in natural resources. This is a day for the development of the mountain-coated kiln. In addition, with the change of politics and economic center, a large number of people move to the cities of the Yangtze River, and the growth of social demand has also led to its development; with the popularization of the tea culture, the culture of the tea-restaurant should be The prosperity of the tea house has also played an active role in the development of the black-glazed porcelain in the Chongqing area, and is located at the mountain-coated kiln at the junction of the two rivers. With the convenience of the waterway transportation, the product is sold to the city along the river, and the good market feedback, in turn, stimulates its development, production and sales mutual promotion, phase The third part mainly introduces the basic situation and typical ware of each kiln field in the coated mountain kiln, and then discusses the process characteristics of the products, and finally, on the basis of both the first and the last, the circulation and the propagation route of the product in the painted mountain kiln are combined with the location of the excavated objects. The results show that the sales network of the coated mountain kiln is mainly the coastal town of the Yangtze River and its tributaries, which is mainly based on the daily life-use device, and the black-glazed porcelain of the Tu-shan kiln is the favorite of the people in the isthmus with its economic and durable characteristics. The fourth part is the creation of this paper. In the new place, the data is analyzed and discussed by using the SPSS statistical software. The results show that the composition difference of the tire in each kiln is large, but the main formula of the glaze is the same. The fifth part is to find the application of the paint-coated kiln and the north-south china kiln. In the south, the influence of the kiln and the Jizhou kiln on the black-glazed porcelain in the Chongqing area is the largest, which is reflected in the aspects of device type and decorative pattern. In the north, it is the Yaozhou kiln and the magnetic state kiln, and the influence is the most, which is reflected in the kiln-shape system, the firing process and the product shape. The sixth part of the system is the full text. The main conclusions are as follows:1. The slope on the bottom of the outer wall of the bowl and the outer wall of the outer wall of the bowl is not chamfered, but the style is special. According to the three, black porcelain is the local material selected according to the local conditions, and the enamel is affected by the same formula.
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