发布时间:2019-07-03 20:44
[Abstract]:To a great extent, the appearance of stone portraits of nine human beasts reflects people's psychology, culture, ideas and beliefs in the Han Dynasty. The first chapter of this paper focuses on the previous research on the stone image of nine man-faced animals, understands the lack of previous research to make up for it, and makes a comprehensive statistics on the regional distribution of this kind of stone image, finds out the distribution law and analyzes the reasons. The second chapter mainly analyzes the five kinds of naming of this image in the current academic circles, and expresses its own views on the remaining problems and differences. The third chapter reveals the hidden cultural implication and reflects the psychological consciousness, belief and concept of Han Dynasty by analyzing the different combination laws of Jiutou human beasts and other images in stone painting.
[Abstract]:To a great extent, the appearance of stone portraits of nine human beasts reflects people's psychology, culture, ideas and beliefs in the Han Dynasty. The first chapter of this paper focuses on the previous research on the stone image of nine man-faced animals, understands the lack of previous research to make up for it, and makes a comprehensive statistics on the regional distribution of this kind of stone image, finds out the distribution law and analyzes the reasons. The second chapter mainly analyzes the five kinds of naming of this image in the current academic circles, and expresses its own views on the remaining problems and differences. The third chapter reveals the hidden cultural implication and reflects the psychological consciousness, belief and concept of Han Dynasty by analyzing the different combination laws of Jiutou human beasts and other images in stone painting.
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