[Abstract]:In the Ming and Qing literature, the ancient jade black-qin or black is mentioned several times, and its description is often connected with the "paint". "The "To the old jade. There are black rust, such as paint, the practice is elegant, and the molest is smooth." is high," he said. "The "The people of the ancients, such as the cut-off, the barefoot, such as the top of the chicken, the yellow people, such as the chestnut, the black people, such as the paint.", in the next section of the jade color, said:" "black jade, such as a lacquer". In the description of the ancient jade, it includes the "Affected by the mercury, the color is black, and the name is pure and dark.". The Qing Liu Datong in the
【作者单位】: 上海博物馆;
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