本文关键词:浅析邓小平对中国特色社会主义道路的理论贡献 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 邓小平 中国特色社会主义道路 理论贡献
[Abstract]:The road relates to the lifeblood of the Party, to the future of the country, to the fate of the nation, and to the happiness of the people. It is very important for the Communist Party of China to lead the people in carrying out revolution, construction and reform, and to choose which way to take. Deng Xiaoping led the Chinese people on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics with extraordinary theoretical courage and political wisdom at the critical juncture of where to go. Deng Xiaoping is a great Marxist. The chief designer of China's reform and opening up and modernization construction has made an indelible theoretical contribution to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper starts with the theoretical basis and practical experience of the formation of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper analyzes Deng Xiaoping's new judgment on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, opens up a new realm of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and promotes a new understanding of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Deng Xiaoping then put forward a new system of socialist road with Chinese characteristics. The first chapter summarizes the theoretical basis and practical experience of the formation of socialist road with Chinese characteristics. Yes. It was on the basis of this theory that the Soviet Union carried out a great deal of practice on socialism and formed the Soviet model, even though the Soviet model ended in failure. However, it provides valuable experience and lessons for Mao Zedong to explore the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the early stage. The second chapter mainly analyzes the new judgment on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics made by Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping insists on using Marx. The broad horizons of Doctrine to observe the world. A correct analysis of the success or failure of other socialist countries in the world, the gains and losses of developing countries in their pursuit of development, and the development trends and contradictions of developed countries has made a new judgment on the overall international situation. The third chapter mainly excavates Deng Xiaoping's new realm of promoting socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through the road. However, Deng Xiaoping led the people to get rid of the shackles of traditional concepts and put China's own socialist road on the right track. It opens up a new realm of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chapter 4th mainly combs Deng Xiaoping's new understanding of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is on the basis of scientific understanding of the actual situation of our country. Deng Xiaoping had a new understanding of the essence of socialism. Thus Deng Xiaoping can build socialism with Chinese characteristics better and faster. Chapter 5th mainly refines the new system of socialism with Chinese characteristics formed by Deng Xiaoping. In order to build socialism in such an economically and culturally backward country as China, Deng Xiaoping insisted on carrying out it in a planned and step-by-step manner. And combine the highest goal with the stage goal, formed the new system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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