
发布时间:2018-01-31 14:26

  本文关键词: 科学发展观 可持续发展 产业结构 产业政策 宏观调控 出处:《西安科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放30多年来,中国经济社会发展取得了举世瞩目的辉煌业绩。当前,中国经济正站在一个新的历史起点上,在今后很长一段时间内,都将是中国取得长足发展的关键时期。但是由于当前我国产业结构不合理,已经阻碍了经济社会的持续发展。为保证我国经济的全面、协调、可持续发展,调整产业结构已经刻不容缓。2009年9月26日,国务院批转《关于抑制部分行业产能过剩和重复建设引导产业健康发展若干意见》,十八大报告提出将科学发展观作为我党长期坚持的指导思想,并且指出“要在转变经济发展方式上取得重大进展”,要按照“四个着力”、“五个更多”的发展思路来发展本国经济。所以,坚持以科学发展观为理念来指导我国产业结构调整是毋庸置疑的。 本文采用理论研究、对策研究、定性研究的方法,从科学发展观的一般理论入手,,研究我国产业结构的现状,得出我国产业结构层次低,结构失衡,第一产业基础薄弱、劳动生产率过低;第二产业内部组织结构、投资结构不合理,投资雷同;第三产业发展相对滞后,缺乏可持续发展的能力。这些问题的出现是由于长期以来沿袭粗放型经济发展方式,使得产业结构积累的深层次矛盾日益突出,阻碍了国民经济快速健康发展。 本文结合科学发展观的内涵,针对我国产业结构现存的问题,建议制定配套的产业政策,其中产业政策要重点突出,政策制定要以市场为导向;完善产业结构调整的体制机制,积极推进经济体制改革,完善结构调整的考评机制;切实实施创新驱动发展战略,推动高新技术及新兴产业的发展;以人为本,节约资源、保护生态环境,为人类创造美好的生活环境。
[Abstract]:Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economic and social development has made remarkable achievements. At present, China's economy is standing on a new historical starting point for a long time to come. However, the current industrial structure of our country has hindered the sustainable development of the economy and society. In order to ensure the overall, coordinated and sustainable development of our economy. In September 26th 2009, the State Council approved the "opinions on restraining overcapacity in some industries and repeated construction to guide the healthy development of the industry". The report of the 18 National Congress puts forward the view of scientific development as the guiding ideology of our Party for a long time, and points out that "great progress should be made in transforming the mode of economic development" and "four efforts" should be followed. Therefore, there is no doubt that we should adhere to the concept of scientific development view to guide the adjustment of China's industrial structure. This paper adopts the methods of theoretical research, countermeasure research and qualitative research, starting with the general theory of scientific development view, studies the present situation of industrial structure of our country, and draws the conclusion that the level of industrial structure of our country is low and the structure is out of balance. The foundation of the primary industry is weak and the labor productivity is too low; The second industry internal organization structure, the investment structure is unreasonable, the investment is similar; The development of tertiary industry lags behind and lacks the ability of sustainable development. These problems are caused by the extensive economic development mode for a long time, which makes the deep-level contradiction of industrial structure accumulation more and more prominent. It hinders the rapid and healthy development of the national economy. According to the connotation of the scientific development concept and the existing problems in the industrial structure of our country, this paper suggests to formulate the supporting industrial policy, in which the industrial policy should be focused on, and the policy formulation should be market-oriented; Perfecting the system and mechanism of industrial structure adjustment, actively promoting the reform of economic system, and perfecting the appraisal mechanism of structural adjustment; Implementing innovation-driven development strategy and promoting the development of high-tech and emerging industries; People-oriented, save resources, protect ecological environment, and create a beautiful living environment for human beings.


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