本文选题:领导者 切入点:人本领导 出处:《中共吉林省委党校》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:新世纪、新阶段,中国特色社会主义事业的发展站在了一个新的历史起点上,党的新一届中央领导集体面对复杂的国际国内形势,针对具体的世情、国情和党情,在继承马克思主义人本思想,吸收借鉴中国传统民本思想,总结中外发展理论和实践经验的基础上,提出了“以人文本,全面、协调、可持续”的科学发展观。它的提出,反映了党对社会主义现代化建设实践和发展规律的认识不断深化,也标志着党在科学发展观下的人本领导理论的进一步升华。 本文将“以人为本”的科学发展观与党的领导理论结合起来,并立足于我国当今社会的实际情况,结合古今中外的领导、管理思想对科学发展观下的人本领导理论作出比较系统的探讨。全文共分四个部分: 第一部分,阐述了人本领导的理论渊源。人本领导的理论渊源主要有三个:一、我国古代领导哲学中的人本思想是其核心源流;二、马克思的人学思想和马克思主义领导理论是其理论基础;三、西方管理理论中的人本思想是其直接的理论来源。 第二部分,概括人本领导思想的主要内涵及其产生的意义。文章先对人本领导思想中的“人”与“本”作了解释,然后在此基础上,对人本领导概念作了具体界定,并针对实践中人们对于人本领导认识上的模糊,深入剖析了人本领导的科学内涵。并结合世界发展的大环境及国内具体的国情、党情指出人本领导的出现对于我们党领导理论的创新具有十分重要的意义。 第三部分,,分析制约我国人本领导发展的主要问题。一、思想上的制约,官僚主义、物本主义的思想在短时间内难以彻底根除;二、作风上的制约,指出领导者种种不良作风与危害,以及它们对人本领导发展的制约;三、制度上的制约,主要是考核评价机制、监督机制的不健全对人本领导的制约; 第四部分,路径分析,即探析如何实现科学发展观下人本领导能力的提升。在具体途径上,主要包括以下三个方面:一、积极推进基层民主政治建设,让人民群众真正享有参与权、知情权、表达权和监督权;二、大力发展人本经济建设,特别是发展以第三产业为主导产业的人本经济;三、提高领导者应对各种矛盾的协调能力;
[Abstract]:In the new century and new stage, the development of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics stands at a new historical starting point. The new central leadership collective of the party is faced with complex international and domestic situations, in light of specific world conditions, national conditions, and party feelings. On the basis of inheriting Marxist humanism thought, absorbing and drawing lessons from Chinese traditional people-oriented thought and summing up the development theory and practical experience of China and foreign countries, this paper puts forward the scientific development concept of "human text, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable". It reflects the deepening of the Party's understanding of the practice and development law of socialist modernization construction, and also marks the further sublimation of the humanistic leadership theory of the Party under the scientific development view. This paper combines the "people-oriented" view of scientific development with the leadership theory of the Party, and bases itself on the actual situation of our country's society today, combining with the leadership of both ancient and modern countries. The management thought makes the comparatively systematic discussion to the humanism leadership theory under the scientific development view. The full text altogether divides into four parts:. The first part expounds the theoretical origin of human-oriented leadership. There are three main theoretical sources of human-oriented leadership: first, humanism in ancient Chinese leadership philosophy is its core source; second, Marx's humanistic thought and Marxist leadership theory are its theoretical basis; third, the humanistic thought in western management theory is its direct theoretical source. In the second part, it summarizes the main connotation and the significance of the humanism leading thought. The article first explains the "person" and "Ben" in the humanistic leadership thought, and then, on this basis, makes the concrete definition to the humanism leadership concept. Aiming at the ambiguity of people's understanding of human-oriented leadership in practice, the scientific connotation of human-oriented leadership is deeply analyzed, and combined with the general environment of world development and the specific national conditions in China, The appearance of human-oriented leadership is of great significance to the innovation of our Party's leadership theory. The third part analyzes the main problems that restrict the development of people-oriented leadership in China. First, ideological constraints, bureaucratism and materialism are difficult to eradicate completely in a short period of time; second, constraints on style of work, The paper points out that the leaders' bad style and harm, and their constraints on the development of people-oriented leadership, third, the institutional constraints, mainly the evaluation mechanism, the supervision mechanism of the unsound constraints on people-oriented leadership; The fourth part, path analysis, analyzes how to realize the improvement of human-oriented leadership ability under the scientific development view. In specific ways, it mainly includes the following three aspects: first, to actively promote the construction of grass-roots democratic politics, Let the people truly enjoy the right to participate, to know, to express and to supervise; second, to vigorously develop the people-oriented economy, especially to develop the people-oriented economy with the tertiary industry as the dominant industry; and third, To improve the ability of leaders to cope with various contradictions;
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