发布时间:2018-03-27 11:23
本文选题:马克思 切入点:幸福观 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:幸福是古今中外学者一直探求和思考问题,人类追求幸福脚步从未停歇。 马克思作为一位立足真实历史发展及社会现实生活的思想家和革命者,关心大众疾苦,用一生指引人类追求真正的幸福生活。本篇论文以马克思幸福思想为切入点共分为五大部分。 第一部分介绍了马克思幸福观形成的时代背景和思想渊源。马克思幸福观与马克思其他理论一样,是与无产阶级命运紧密联系在一起的,在探索无产阶级取得胜利的历史进程中,幸福观也逐步具体化。同时马克思幸福观也是建立在先哲思想基础之上的,他们幸福思想虽尚未形成具体理论,但也为幸福观的形成奠定基础。 第二部分主要论述马克思幸福思想形成过程过程。在中学毕业论文和《博士论文》中突显马克思对人类幸福关怀思想萌芽。在《黑格尔法哲学批判》及《1844年经济学哲学手稿》标志马克思幸福模型初建,肯定了幸福的真实存在性,并在“异化劳动”分解中否定资本主义幸福。《德意志意识形态》提出“实践幸福观”,以“自愿分工,共同利益实现”为幸福状态。《共产党宣言》指明实现幸福生活方式——无产阶级革命。《资本论》与《哥达纲领》深化了马克思幸福观,进一步剖析资本主义社会不幸福根源,也对幸福社会即共产主义作了科学预见。 第三部分主要阐释马克思幸福观主要内容,补充幸福观的框架内容。马克思幸福观贯穿整个马克思思想,是以立足现实世界,现实活动的个人为前提的,在共产主义社会实现人自由全面发展为最佳状态。为此,幸福主体、基本条件、幸福真谛及状态四大论述部分。 第四部分是马克思幸福观的中国化过程,,从而确证了马克思主义思想的时代价值和旺盛生命力,是更具中国特色幸福观。毛泽东思想强调实践幸福观,将幸福看做一个发展过程,是在不断实践中运动变化的矛盾统一体。邓小平理论明确“共同富裕”的幸福社会目标,肯定“有共产主义理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律”的“四有新人”幸福人生的标准。科学发展观坚持以人为本,人与自然、人与人、人与社会和谐发展的幸福观。 第五部分彰显马克思幸福观的指导意义。马克思幸福观丰富马克思主义人学理论,突显马克思人文关怀,是对人类理想生存状态的向往,同时,对当代青年人具有重要指导作用,指导青年人树立正确人生观、价值观,追求和享受真正幸福。
[Abstract]:Happiness is a problem that scholars all over the world have been seeking and thinking, and human pursuit of happiness has never stopped.
As a thinker and revolutionist based on the real historical development and social reality, Marx is concerned about the sufferings of the masses. He guides people to pursue a truly happy life with his whole life. This thesis is divided into five parts based on Marx's idea of happiness.
The first part introduces Marx's view of happiness background and origin of the formation of Marx's view of happiness. Marx and other theories, is closely linked with the fate of the historical process of victory in the exploration of proletarian, happiness is gradually out of body. At the same time, Marx's view of happiness is based on the thoughts of sages they are happy, although the idea has not yet formed a specific theory, but also laid the foundation for the formation of the concept of happiness.
The second part mainly discusses the forming process of Marx's thought of happiness. In the middle school graduation thesis and doctoral dissertation highlight < > Marx thought of caring for the happiness of mankind to sprout. In "Hagel law philosophy critique and <1844 economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 mark Marx model is built at the beginning of happiness >, which proves the existence of true happiness, and in the" alienation labor "in the decomposition of negation of capitalism. Put forward the" German Ideology "happiness practice concept of happiness", "voluntary division, to achieve the common interests for the well-being." Communist Manifesto "indicate the happy life style -- the proletariat revolution. Capital" and "Gotha Program > deepens Marx's view of happiness, happiness is not the root of further analysis of the capitalist society, the happiness of society: Communism made scientific foresight.
The third part mainly explains the main content of Marx's view of happiness, the framework of content to supplement the concept of happiness. Marx's view of happiness throughout the Marx thought, is based on the real world, practical activities of individuals as the premise, in the Communist society to achieve comprehensive development of human freedom is the best state. Therefore, the subject of happiness, happiness and the true meaning of the basic conditions the four part of the state.
The fourth part is the Chinese process of Marx's view of happiness, which confirmed that Marx thought the time value and vitality, is more Chinese characteristics of happiness. Mao Zedong thought that the practice of the concept of happiness, happiness will be seen as a process of development, the unity and contradiction movement in practice. Deng Xiaoping theory clearly "" the happiness of rich social goals, must "have communist ideals, morality, culture, discipline" of the "Four Haves" happy life. Scientific Outlook on Development adhere to the people-oriented, man and nature, human and human, human and society's harmonious development concept of happiness.
The fifth part shows the significance of Marx's view of happiness. Happiness of Marx rich Marx doctrine theory, highlights Marx's humanistic care, is the ideal human life state is yearning, at the same time, has an important guiding role for the contemporary young people, to guide young people to establish a correct outlook on life, values, pursue and enjoy real happiness.
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1 张琼苑;马克思主义幸福观[D];西北师范大学;2011年