本文选题:马克思恩格斯 切入点:公平正义 出处:《中共山东省委党校》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:马克思恩格斯公平正义思想是在批判继承前人优秀思想成果基础上的科学发展,是我们建设公平正义的社会主义社会的指导思想。本文依据马克思主义经典文本,按照什么是公平正义、对资本主义社会不公正的批判、如何实现公平正义的思路,梳理研究马克思恩格斯的公平正义思想及其主要特点和现实意义。 全文的主要内容分为七个部分: 一、马克思恩格斯论生产中的公平正义。马克思恩格斯认为,生产中的公平正义就是要正确处理生产中人与自然、人与社会之间的关系;资本主义社会生产不公正主要表现在,生产的目的是追求剩余价值,而不是为了满足人的发展的需要,劳动异化导致了工人畸形发展;要实现生产公平正义,就应变革资本主义生产方式,消灭资本主义生产资料私有制。 二、马克思恩格斯论交换中的公平正义。马克思恩格斯认为,交换公平正义不仅要有形式公平正义,,更要实现交换与特定的生产方式相适应的实质公平正义;资本主义条件下的交换是形式公平正义掩盖下的实质不公正;实现交换公平正义,就应变革资本主义条件下交换所赖以存在的基础——资本主义生产方式。 三、马克思恩格斯论分配中的公平正义。马克思恩格斯认为分配要与特定的生产方式相适应,要以劳动的时间和劳动的强度的尺度进行分配;批判资产阶级所谓的基于平等权利的“公平”分配理论;要实现分配公平正义,就应消灭资本主义分配方式赖以存在的资本主义制度,实现社会主义和共产主义社会的按劳分配和按需分配。 四、马克思恩格斯论消费中的公平正义。马克思恩格斯认为,消费公平正义是指消费要满足每一个人生存与发展的需要;资本主义社会的生产不能充分满足广大工人群众的消费,这种消费不足是群众没有购买能力的相对不足;只有在社会主义和共产主义社会,消费公平正义才能真正实现。 五、马克思恩格斯论人的发展中的公平正义。马克思恩格斯认为实现公平正义要以人的全面发展为价值目标,公平正义实现程度也是衡量人的全面发展的重要尺度;资本主义社会人的发展中的非公平正义体现在物对人的统治以及人的畸形发展;只有在共产主义社会才能实现人的全面自由发展,进而充分体现人的发展中的公平正义。 六、马克思恩格斯公平正义思想的主要特点。马克思恩格斯超越空想社会主义者,不同于资产阶级思想家的地方,就在于马克思恩格斯是站在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义立场上,深刻分析资本主义社会产生不公正的根源,提出了实现社会公正的正确途径。马克思恩格斯公平正义思想的主要特点是:第一,把发展生产力作为实现公平正义的根本途径;第二,从生产、交换、分配和消费的辩证关系来研究公平正义;第三,把公平正义的历史性与相对性统一起来;第四,把形式公平正义与实质公平正义辩证统一起来。 七、马克思恩格斯公平正义思想的现实意义。我们要深入学习马克思恩格斯的公平正义思想,正确运用生产与交换、分配和消费的辩证关系原理,促进我国经济社会又好又快发展;重视人的发展中的公平正义,推进我国人的全面发展进程。
[Abstract]:Marx Engels, justice is inheriting predecessors'excellent thought of scientific development on the basis of criticism, is our guiding ideology of building a socialist society of justice. On the basis of Marx's classic text, according to what is justice, unjust criticism of capitalist society, how to realize the thought of justice, fairness and justice thought and the main characteristics and practical significance of research Marx Engels.
The main content of the full text is divided into seven parts:
A, Marx Engels on justice in production. Marx Engels believes that the justice in production is to man and nature in the production of correct treatment, the relationship between man and society; social injustice of capitalism production mainly in the production, the purpose is the pursuit of surplus value, and not in order to meet the needs of human development. The alienation of labor workers led to the lopsided development; production to achieve fairness and justice, we should reform the capitalist mode of production, to destroy the capitalist private ownership of the means of production.
Two, Marx Engels on justice in exchange. Marx Engels believes that the exchange of justice should not only have the form of justice, but also to achieve the exchange of justice and adapt to the specific mode of production; the exchange under capitalism is the substantial form of fairness and justice under the cover of injustice; to realize the justice in exchange, it of the capitalist mode of production base change under capitalist conditions for the existence of the exchange.
Three, Marx Engels on justice in distribution. Marx Engels believes that the allocation should be adapted to the specific mode of production, should be allocated to labor time and labor intensity scale; criticism of the so-called bourgeoisie based on equal rights "fair" allocation theory; to realize the distribution of fairness and justice, we should eliminate existing for the distribution way of capitalism and the capitalist system, realize the society of socialism and communism distribution according to work and distribution according to need.
Four, Marx Engels on justice in consumption. Marx Engels believes that consumption justice refers to the consumer to meet the needs of each individual survival and development of the capitalist society; the production can not fully meet the needs of the broad masses of workers consumption, this lack of consumption is relatively less than the masses without purchasing power; only in socialist and Communist society consumption, fairness and justice can be realized.
Five, Marx Engels on the justice of human development. Marx Engels believes that to achieve fairness and justice to the comprehensive development of the value target, an important measure to realize fairness and justice in the comprehensive development level is a measure of fairness and justice; non development of people in the capitalist society embodies the deformity of human development rule and the people in only in the Communist society; in order to realize the comprehensive and free development, which fully embodies the justice of human development.
Six, the main characteristics of Marx and Engels justice thought. Marx and Engels beyond the utopian socialists, different from the bourgeois thinkers, is that Marx Engels is standing on the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, a profound analysis of the capitalist society causes unfair, the right way to realize social justice. The characteristics of Marx and Engels justice ideas are: first, the development of productive forces as the fundamental way to realize fairness and justice; second, from production, exchange, distribution and consumption of the dialectical relationship of fairness and justice; third, the fairness and justice of the historic and the relativity of unity; fourth, the fairness and justice dialectical unity.
Seven, the practical significance of Marx and Engels justice ideas. We have in-depth study of Marx and Engels's justice thought, the correct use of production and exchange, the principle of the dialectical relationship between distribution and consumption, and promote China's economic and social development; pay attention to the justice of human development, promote the overall development process of our country's people.
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