当代中国经过几十年的革新开放,在经济域里取得了巨大的成就,然而,在目前的意识形态领域中却出现了马克思主义信仰的危机,因此,如何理性地剖析这场信仰危机背后发生的理由,并且如何重建马克思主义信仰,这对于我国建设有中国特色社会主义具有重大的理论和现实意 义。本文一共分为六部分,第一部分主要围信仰的内涵展开,简单介绍了关于信仰的相关理论,第二部分主要介绍了西方哲学背景下对信仰的相关认识,第三部分主要浅析浅析了马克思主义信仰的本质及特点。第四部分主要从历史的角度了解马克思主信仰在西方的发展历程和在中国历史地位的形成与作用,第五部分主要浅析浅析了马克思主义信仰近况的特点与信仰危机的表现及其理由浅析浅析,第六部分主要介绍了当代中国进行马克思主义信仰重建的措施与意 义。
【Abstract】 After several decades of contemporary China’s reform and opening up, in the economic domain has made great achievements, however, the ideology of the current field has emerged in the crisis of belief in Marxism, therefore, how to analyze the reason behind the performance of the crisis, and how to rebuild the Marxist belief in China’s building socialism with Chinese characteristics is of great theoretical and practical significance.This article is divided into four parts total, the first part of the main content of Marxist faith to start a brief introduction on the belief theory, and introduces the essence of Marxist beliefs and its characteristics. The second part, mainly from a historical perspective to understand the Marxist belief in the main course of development in the West and the status in the china The third part of the article analysis of the characteristics of the status of faith and belief and the reasons for the crisis in the performance analysis. The fourth Part of the article introduces the Marxism of contemporary China, the measures of belief and meaning reconstruction.
【关键词】 信仰; 马克思主义信仰; 信仰的重建;【Key words】 belief; Marxist belief; reconstruction of belief;
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