本文选题:辩证法 + 毛泽东 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Mao Zedong's dialectic thought was a brilliant thought in the process of social transformation in modern China, which was gradually formed in the great historical mission of leading the Chinese revolution and socialist construction.This theory includes not only the inheritance and development of the traditional dialectical thought of simplicity in ancient China, but also the enrichment and development of Marxis-Lenin 's thought on dialectics.It not only puts forward the method of solving the practical problems in the practice of Chinese revolution from the height of philosophy, but also affects the great practice of the whole socialist construction and reform and opening up for more than 30 years, and promotes the development of China's social economy.At the same time, the progress and transformation of the society have laid a solid ideological and theoretical foundation for Chinese Dream, who has built a harmonious socialist society and realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Mao Zedong's dialectical thought is the core of Mao Zedong's philosophical thought and even the whole Mao Zedong's thought system.The structure of the article is divided into two parts: introduction and text, in which the text is composed of four parts.The introduction covers the purpose and significance of this study, the current research situation and research methods at home and abroad.The first chapter systematically clarifies the historical conditions of Mao Zedong's dialectic thought formation and the theoretical origin of his thought formation, and focuses on the inheritance and transcendence of the western dialectical thought, especially to Marxis-Lenin 's dialectic thought, especially to Marxis-Lenin 's dialectic thought.The second chapter mainly discusses several important nodes in the formation of Mao Zedong's dialectical thought, which mainly include four stages: gestation and germination, establishment, deepening and development.The third chapter focuses on analyzing the political dialectics, military dialectics, economic dialectics, natural dialectics, the political dialectics, the military dialectics, the economic dialectics, the natural dialectics, the political dialectics, the military dialectics, the economic dialectics, the natural dialectics, the political dialectics, the military dialectics, the economic dialectics and the natural dialectics.The fourth chapter analyzes the historical orientation and contemporary value of Mao Zedong's dialectical thought.
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