本文选题:毛泽东 + 总体布局 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:中国特色社会主义事业总体布局是在深刻总结我们党领导中国社会主义建设的历史经验与教训的基础上提出来,并且经历了一个随着实践的发展和认识的深化而不断丰富其内涵、修正其表述的过程。我们认为,中国特色社会主义事业总体布局孕育于以毛泽东为核心的第一代中央领导集体提出“四个现代化”的过程中,改革开放以来经历了从“二位一体”(物质文明与精神文明“两手抓,两手都要硬”)到“三位一体”(经济建设、文化建设、政治建设),到“四位一体”(经济建设、文化建设、政治建设、社会建设),再到当前“五位一体”(经济建设、文化建设、政治建设、社会建设、生态建设)的演变过程。党的十八大政治报告中提出,要按照中国特色社会主义事业总体布局要求,全面推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设和生态文明建设,并对此作出了新的部署,从而使中国特色社会主义事业总体布局从“四位一体”向“五位一体”跃进,也使从中国特色社会主义事业总体布局角度认识和把握中国特色社会主义事业的发展成为一个新的学术关注点;毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想(以下简称毛泽东“总体布局”思想)对于我们认识“什么是社会主义”,“怎样建设社会主义”有着深远影响,对于指导我国现阶段社会主义建设具有重大的意义。 全文一共分为绪论,正文和结论三个部分。在绪论里说明了问题的研究意义,评析了中国特色社会主义事业总体布局的研究现状,并说明了研究方法以及重点难点等。 正文部分共包括六个章节: 第一章论述了毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想的形成条件,包括毛泽东“总体布局”思想形成的历史背景、理论基础和历史必然性。毛泽东“总体布局”思想是在当时国际、国内复杂多变的环境下形成的,并且深受马克思列宁主义中对于社会建设思想和中国传统战略思想的影响。毛泽东“总体布局”思想有其历史必然性,它是中国特色革命道路发展的必然结果;是马克思主义中国化命题的必然要求;是根本政治制度建立后的必然趋向。 第二章论述了毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想的形成过程,,包括中国社会主义建设模式的最初探索、中国社会主义工业化道路的探索、中国社会主义现代化建设的曲折发展和中国社会主义现代化战略目标构想的提出。毛泽东探索中国现代化的建设经历了一个曲折发展的过程,新中国的建设是“摸着石头过河”,先是借鉴“苏联模式”发展国民经济,苏联模式的弊端显现后,毛泽东立足中国实际,决定建立独立、完整、现代化的工业体系,开始了中国工业化道路的探索,但探索并不是一帆风顺的,由于发展心切出现了“大跃进”和人民公社化运动,但只有切合实际的赶超战略才是具有切实可行性的,“大跃进”后,毛泽东深刻终结中国现代化建设过程中的经验教训,提出了中国社会主义现代化战略目标——“四个现代化”,这也标志着毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想走向了成熟。 第三章论述了毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想的基本内容,包括“四个现代化”思想的内涵、“四个现代化”之间的关系以及实现“四个现代化”的战略步骤。“四个现代化”思想的内涵主要有四部分组成,它们是毛泽东农业现代化建设的思想;毛泽东工业现代化建设的思想;毛泽东国防现代化建设的思想;毛泽东社会主义科学技术现代化建设的思想。“四个现代化”之间密不可分、相互影响、共同促进了国民经济的发展,农业是国民经济的基础,工业是国民经济的主导力量,国防现代化建设是社会主义的保证,科学技术与文化现代化是关键。为了实现“四个现代化”的战略目标,毛泽东制定了“两步走”的发展战略,国民经济平衡与不平衡发展战略和同世界各国的经济交往的战略。 第四章论述了毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想的实践,包括“总体布局”思想下农业现代化的实践、“总体布局”思想下工业现代化的实践、“总体布局”思想下国防现代化的实践和“总体布局”思想下科学技术现代化的实践。毛泽东“总体布局”思想的实践,首先是发展农业现代化的实践,毛泽东提出了“以粮为纲,全面发展”的方针,即用“大农业”思想调整农业生产结构,农、林、牧副、渔综合平衡,全面发展,并且要求在发展中兼顾农民群众的利益。其次,在发展工业现代化方面对我国的生产力布局做了战略上的调整——三线建设,在发展国民经济中对我国经济体制进行了一定程度的改革。再次,国防与科技现代化的实践,主要表现在“两弹一星”的研制和大庆油田的开发上面。最后,在科学技术现代化的实践方面,毛泽东强调在将工作重点转向经济建设的同时来一个技术革命,并在他的社会主义理论和实践中,对技术革命的战略步骤进行了精心的设计,发出“向科学进军”的号召;毛泽东不仅重视物质生产生活的实践,而且也关心精神文明的建设,他提出要实现高度现代文化,制定了繁荣社会主义科学文化的“双百”方针,这些都是毛泽东“总体布局”思想下社会主义文化现代化的实践。 第五章论述了毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想的经验与局限性,有益的经验主要包括独立自主走自己的路;注重协调利益关系;要正确对待历史经验。毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局思想在探索中不断发展,不仅有有益的思想可以继承,但也有一定的历史局限性,主要包括追求带有理想化色彩的社会主义模式;在社会主义经济发展速度方面急于求成;将阶级斗争作为社会主义建设的动力机制。 第六章论述了毛泽东中国社会主义现代化建设总体布局的理论贡献与历史启示,主要包括两个方面的内容,理论贡献方面提出了社会主义分为不发达的和比较发达的两个阶段;社会主义社会建设目标和方法的思想;社会主义社会经济、政治和文化建设的若干重要指导方针。历史启示方面提出了必须坚持我国现代化的社会主义发展方向;必须辨证地对待生产力和生产关系的相互关系;必须充分认识我国社会主义现代化建设的长期性艰巨性等内容。
[Abstract]:The overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is put forward on the basis of a profound summary of our party's historical experience and lessons in the leadership of China's socialist construction, and has experienced a continuous enrichment of its connotation with the deepening of practice and understanding and the revision of the course of its expression. We think that the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the cause. The overall layout is pregnant with the first generation of central leadership with Mao Zedong as the core of the "four modernizations". Since the reform and opening up, it has experienced the "two in one" (both material and spiritual civilization, both hard and hard ") to the" three in one "(economic construction, cultural construction, political construction), to the" four one ". The evolution process of the "body" (economic construction, cultural construction, political construction, social construction) and the evolution process of the current "five in one" (economic construction, cultural construction, political construction, social construction, ecological construction). The party's eighteen political reports put forward to promote economic construction in an all-round way in accordance with the overall layout requirements of China's special socialist cause. The construction, cultural construction, social construction and the construction of ecological civilization have made a new deployment, thus making the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics leap from the "four in one" to the "five in one", and to recognize and grasp the development of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics from the perspective of the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. As a new academic concern, the overall layout of Mao Zedong's socialist modernization in China (hereinafter referred to as the "overall layout" of Mao Zedong) has far-reaching impact on our understanding of "what is socialism" and "how to build socialism", which has great significance in guiding our socialist construction at the present stage. Righteousness.
The full text is divided into the introduction, the text and the conclusion three parts. In the introduction, it explains the significance of the research, evaluates the research status of the overall layout of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, and explains the research methods and key and difficult points.
The main body consists of six chapters.
The first chapter discusses the forming conditions of the overall layout thought of Mao Zedong's socialist modernization in China, including the historical background, theoretical basis and historical inevitability of Mao Zedong's "overall layout" thought. Mao Zedong's "overall layout" thought was formed in the international and domestic complex and changeable environment at that time, and was deeply influenced by Marx. The influence of Lenin doctrine on the thought of social construction and the traditional Chinese strategic thought. Mao Zedong's "overall layout" thought has its historical inevitability. It is the inevitable result of the development of the revolutionary road with Chinese characteristics; it is the inevitable requirement of the Chinese proposition of Marx doctrine; it is the inevitable trend of the establishment of the fundamental political system.
The second chapter expounds the formation process of the overall layout thought of Mao Zedong's socialist modernization in China, including the initial exploration of the Chinese socialist construction model, the exploration of the road of socialist industrialization in China, the tortuous development of China's socialist modernization and the proposal of the strategic goal of China's socialistic modernization. The construction of the construction of China's modernization has undergone a tortuous process of development. The construction of the new China is "crossing the river by exploring the stone". First, it was to draw on the "Soviet model" to develop the national economy. After the abuse of the Soviet model, Mao Zedong decided to establish an independent, complete and modernized industrial system based on the reality of China and began the Chinese industry. The exploration of the road is not smooth. Because of the development of the "great leap forward" and the people's commune movement, only the practical catch up strategy is feasible. After the great leap forward, Mao Zedong deeply ended the experience and lessons of China's modernization and put forward the Chinese social owner. The strategic goal of "the four modernizations" is also the symbol of Mao Zedong's thought of the overall layout of China's socialist modernization.
The third chapter discusses the basic content of the overall layout thought of Mao Zedong's socialist modernization in China, including the connotation of the "four modernizations", the relationship between the "four modernizations" and the strategic steps to realize the "four modernizations". The connotation of the "four modernizations" is composed of four parts, which are Mao Ze The thought of the modernization of agriculture in the East, the thought of the modernization of Mao Zedong industry, the thought of the modernization of Mao Zedong's defense and the thought of the modernization of Mao Zedong's socialist science and technology. The "four modernizations" are inseparable and interrelated, which jointly promote the development of the national economy, and the agriculture is the basis of the national economy. Industry is the leading force of the national economy. The modernization of national defense is the guarantee of socialism and the key to the modernization of science and technology and culture. In order to achieve the strategic goal of "four modernizations", Mao Zedong has formulated the development strategy of "two steps", the balance of the national economy and the unbalanced development strategy and the economic exchanges with all the countries in the world. Strategy.
The fourth chapter discusses the practice of the overall layout of Mao Zedong's socialist modernization in China, including the practice of agricultural modernization under the idea of "overall layout", the practice of industrial modernization under the "overall layout" thought, the practice of national defense modernization and the modern science and technology under the "overall layout" thought under the idea of "overall layout". The practice of Mao Zedong's "overall layout" thought, first of all, was the practice of developing agricultural modernization. Mao Zedong proposed the policy of "grain based and comprehensive development", that is, to adjust agricultural production structure, agriculture, forestry, pastoral and vice, fishing comprehensive balance and all-round development with the idea of "big agriculture". Secondly, in the development of industrial modernization, we have made a strategic adjustment to the distribution of our productive forces - the construction of the three line and a certain degree of reform in the economic system of our country in the development of the national economy. Again, the practice of the modernization of national defense and science and technology is mainly manifested in the development of "two bombs and one star" and the development of Daqing oilfield. In the end, in the practice of the modernization of science and technology, Mao Zedong stressed that while turning the focus of work to economic construction, it came to a technological revolution, and in his socialist theory and practice, the strategic steps of the technological revolution were carefully designed and the call to "advance to science" was issued; Mao Zedong not only attached importance to the matter. The practice of production and life is also concerned with the construction of spiritual civilization. He proposes to realize the high modern culture and make the "double hundred" policy of prospering the socialist science and culture. These are the practice of the socialist cultural modernization under the "overall layout" of Mao Zedong.
The fifth chapter discusses the experience and limitations of the overall layout thought of Mao Zedong's socialist modernization in China. The useful experience mainly includes the way of self independence, the coordination of interest relations and the correct treatment of historical experience. The overall layout of the socialist modernization of China's socialist construction is constantly developed in the exploration. Not only has the beneficial thought can inherit, but also has certain historical limitations, mainly including the pursuit of the socialist model with idealized color, the rapid development of the socialist economic development speed, and the class struggle as the dynamic mechanism of socialist construction.
The sixth chapter discusses the theoretical contribution and historical enlightenment of the overall layout of Mao Zedong's socialist modernization in China, mainly including two aspects, and the contribution of the theory to the two stages of the socialism divided into underdeveloped and more developed; the ideology of the socialist social construction objectives and methods; the socialist society. Some important guiding principles for the construction of economy, politics and culture. The historical enlightenment has put forward the direction of socialist development that must adhere to the modernization of our country; the relationship between productive forces and production relations must be treated dialectically, and the long-term and arduous content of socialist modernization in China must be fully understood.
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