
发布时间:2018-05-05 21:46

  本文选题:列宁 + 文化思想 ; 参考:《锦州医科大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Lenin's cultural thought is an important part of Marxism-Leninism theory, which inherits and develops Marxist cultural theory. In the new historical period of building a well-off society in an all-round way in our country, a thorough and systematic study of Lenin's cultural thought will not only help enrich and develop Marxist cultural theory, At the same time, it also helps to provide theoretical guidance for the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. Most of Lenin's views on cultural thought are scattered in "what are" Friends of the people "and how they attack the Social Democrats?", "the tasks of the Youth League", "on the Culture of the proletariat", "on Cooperatives", "on the Chinese Revolution", and "less". But better than in the literature. The author has systematically read and combed these documents and formed a way of understanding and studying Lenin's cultural thought. This paper is divided into five parts, its basic logic and main contents are as follows: the first part is the introduction, elaborated Lenin's cultural thought research background and the significance. Focus on the related research results, the research methods and main innovation points are introduced. The second part analyzes the theoretical origin and background of Lenin's cultural thought formation. This paper holds that the formation of Lenin's cultural thought originates from the inheritance and development of Marx and Engels' cultural view and Russian populist cultural thought. The Soviet proletarian revolution and the initial exploration of socialism were the background of Lenin's cultural thought. The third part divides the three historical stages of Lenin's cultural thought formation, that is, the embryonic stage of forming the cultural view of historical materialism, the forming stage of explaining the principle and content of proletarian cultural work, and the forming stage of proletarian cultural work. As well as proletarian culture thought formative mature stage. The fourth part systematically discusses the main contents of Lenin's cultural thought. This article holds that Lenin's cultural thought mainly includes four basic aspects: first, the important position and function of culture; second, the basic principle of proletarian cultural work; third, the content of proletarian cultural work; and fourth, the theory of "two cultures". The fifth part discusses the contemporary value of Lenin's cultural thought. Lenin's cultural thought not only provides direction guidance for socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics, but also provides valuable experience for us to correctly understand the problems of national culture.


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