
发布时间:2018-05-13 22:31

  本文选题:重新发现马克思 + 柏林墙倒塌后 ; 参考:《山东社会科学》2015年09期

[Abstract]:Professor Wang Fengcai's new book rediscovered Marx - a book on the development trend of the German Marx doctrine after the collapse of the Berlin wall (the 2015 edition of the people's Publishing House). It was completed on the basis of the National Social Science Foundation Project of the National Social Science Foundation. It is the only one in the country to be selected for the 2014 year of the national philosophy and social science results library. The book, based on "the development trend of the German Marx doctrine after the collapse of the Berlin wall", is based on the latest first hand German data and opens up a new field of research on the latest development of German Marx doctrine in the Chinese academic circles. The book not only systematically describes the development of the Marx doctrine after the collapse of the Berlin wall, but also makes a systematic description of the development of the Marx doctrine after the collapse of the wall. A profound critical reflection, with a strong frontier and a broad academic vision, fills the gap in the study of the German state of Marx's doctrine in the domestic academic circles. As the first most detailed and systematic study of the latest development of German Marx doctrine, the first part of the domestic academic circles, especially the German horse condensed in the process of the study. The "ten problems", "four characteristics", "four directions" and the profound reflection on the existing problems and implications are not only helpful to expand and deepen the study of the domestic Marx theory, but also to the foreign Marx doctrine, the history of Marx, the development of Marx's philosophy and the development and development of Marx's philosophy. The exhibition will play an important role in promoting, and it also has important inspiration and reference significance for "Sinicization of Marx doctrine, modernization and popularization".

【作者单位】: 复旦大学哲学学院;第二军医大学人文社科部;


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