
发布时间:2018-05-31 11:20

  本文选题:共同体 + 马克思发展共同体思想 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:发展是人类社会永恒的主题,共同发展是人的发展的最高境界。当今世界层出不穷的全球性危机对国际秩序和人类生存都构成了严峻挑战。当代中国是一个发展迅速、进步明显、成就巨大、变化剧烈、问题较多的国家。理论的自觉,源自于对人类面临的现实生存困境的深刻反思。在现代社会,人的失落、自然的衰败、共同体的式微,都迫切需要理论作出回应。 马克思花了毕生精力研究人类社会的发展规律特别是资本主义走向社会主义的发展规律,他在揭露资本主义虚幻共同体的虚假性同时,展望人类未来“真正共同体”的美好。他的思想中包含十分丰富的发展共同体思想。马克思发展共同体思想,是马克思运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义原理,以共同体为切入点,深刻透视人类社会发展实际,系统阐述人与人、人与社会共同发展的中介方式,客观揭示人类社会内在发展规律的学说,是把人类社会当作活的有机体来理解和把握的理论。 本文深度挖掘马克思发展共同体思想的思想渊源、思想历程,全面分析马克思发展共同体思想的逻辑结构、价值维度和当代启示,系统地阐述了马克思发展共同体思想的理论体系。 第一,本文探析了马克思发展共同体思想的思想渊源。本文从三个方面追溯:亚里士多德的理想城邦、黑格尔的世界历史理念、费尔巴哈的“类”学说是其哲学渊源;斯密的理想商业社会、李嘉图派社会主义经济思想、赫斯的货币异化理论是其经济学渊源;莫尔的乌托邦、圣西门的实业制度、傅里叶的和谐社会、欧文的新和谐公社是其社会主义学说渊源。 第二,本文厘清了马克思发展共同体思想的思想历程。首先,基于马克思思想发展史,回顾马克思发展共同体思想演进过程的三个阶段。其次,从制度基础、价值基础、人际基础、现实状况等方面剖析马克思发展共同体思想的现实基础。再次,运用历史唯物主义原理,阐明马克思发展共同体思想的科学内涵。 第三,本文分析了马克思发展共同体思想的逻辑结构。如果说“现实的人”是马克思发展共同体思想的逻辑起点,那么,实现人的自由全面发展的“真正的共同体”就是其逻辑终点,市民社会是其逻辑中介,而人类解放则是贯通始终的逻辑线索。 第四,本文阐明了马克思发展共同体思想的价值维度。本文主张,马克思发展共同体思想的价值维度是“自由发展”、“和谐发展”和“整体发展”,即人类社会的发展通过个体与共同体的互动共生,实现个人自由与人类自由的有机统一、“自然—人—社会”总体和谐、人与社会的协调发展、整体发展、可持续发展。 最后,本文解读了马克思发展共同体思想的当代启示。本文认为,马克思发展共同体思想不仅具有理论维度,更具有现实向度。运用马克思发展共同体思想直面当代国际金融危机和当代资本主义的新发展,,剖析当代资本主义虚幻共同体及其历史趋势,回应和破解当代中国发展的难题,审视人与自然、人与社会、人与人、人与自我、中国与世界的关系,在建设中国特色社会主义过程中自觉建立和不断完善发展共同体。 马克思发展共同体思想真实地再现了人存在的方式,即人内在本体的确立与人本质力量的绽放,实现了人的自由本质的复归——实现个体的幸福人生,创造民族的美好未来,促进世界的和谐发展,走向个人与社会、中国与世界的和谐共生。
[Abstract]:Development is the eternal theme of the human society, and the common development is the highest state of human development. The global crisis in an endless world today poses a severe challenge to the international order and the human existence. In the modern society, the loss of human beings, the decay of nature and the decline of the community urgently need theoretical response.
Marx spent his life to study the law of the development of human society, especially the law of capitalism to socialism. At the same time, he revealed the falsehood of the fictitious community of capitalism and looked forward to the beauty of the "true community" in the future of mankind. His thought contained a very rich development community thought. Marx developed a common development. The idea of androgyny is Marx's principle of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, with community as the breakthrough point, a profound perspective of the reality of human social development, the systematic exposition of human and human, the development of human and society, the theory of the inherent law of development in human society, which takes human society as a living organism. The theory of understanding and grasping.
This article deeply excavated the thought origin of Marx's development community thought, the thought course, comprehensively analyzed the logic structure of Marx's development community thought, the value dimension and the contemporary enlightenment, and systematically expounded the theory system of Marx's development community thought.
First, this article analyses the ideological origin of the thought of Marx's development community. This article traces back from three aspects: Aristotle's ideal city state, Hagel's world history concept, Feuerbach's "class" theory is its philosophical origin; Smith's ideal commercial society, Ricardo to send socialist economic thought, Hess's currency alienation The theory is its source of economics; the Utopia of moor, the industrial system of Saint Simon, the harmonious society of Fu Liye and the new harmonious commune of Erwin are the origin of his socialist theory.
Second, this article clarifies the ideological course of the thought of the Marx development community. First, based on the history of Marx's thought development, it reviews the three stages of the evolution process of Marx's development community thought. Secondly, it analyzes the realistic foundation of the thought of Marx development community from the aspects of system foundation, value foundation, interpersonal foundation, reality and so on. Using the principle of historical materialism, this paper expounds the scientific connotation of Marx's development community thought.
Third, this paper analyzes the logical structure of the thought of the Marx development community. If the "real man" is the logical starting point of the thought of Marx's development community, the "true community" to realize the free and comprehensive development of the human being is its logical end, the civil society is its logical intermediary, and the human liberation is through all the time. Logical clues.
Fourth, this article clarifies the value dimension of the thought of the Marx development community. This article advocates that the value dimension of Marx's development community thought is "free development", "harmonious development" and "overall development", that is, the development of human society through the interaction and symbiosis between individual and community, and the realization of the organic unification of individual freedom and human freedom. First, the "natural person society" overall harmony, the coordinated development of human and society, the overall development, and sustainable development.
Finally, this article interprets the Contemporary Enlightenment of the thought of the Marx development community. This article holds that the thought of Marx's development community not only has a theoretical dimension, but also has a realistic direction. It uses the thought of Marx's development community to face the contemporary international financial crisis and the new development of Contemporary capitalism, and analyzes the fictitious community of contemporary capitalism. And its historical trend, responding to and solving the problems of the development of contemporary China, examining the relationship between man and nature, man and society, man and man, man and self, China and the world, and consciously establishing and perfecting the development community in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The thought of the Marx development community truly reproduces the way of human existence, that is, the establishment of the inner body and the blooming of human essence, realizing the return of the human nature of freedom, realizing the happy life of the individual, creating a beautiful future of the nation, promoting the harmonious development of the world, moving towards the individual and society, China and the world. Birth.


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