本文选题:邓小平 + 企业管理 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:邓小平企业管理思想既是邓小平经济理论的微观基础,是邓小平理论必不可少的重要组成部分。我们研究邓小平的企业管理思想,不但能在理论上进一步丰富并发展马克主义的经济管理思想,而且对于推动我国企业管理思想的变革与创新具有一定的实践指导意义。 邓小平同志在指引我国改革开放和建设的过程中,长时间领导岗位上丰富的工作经验,使得他在企业管理的改革和发展方面提出了一系列主张和思想。这些主张和思想的总称就是邓小平的企业管理思想。本研究是以马列主义、毛泽东思想为指导,深入分析了邓小平企业管理理论思想所产生的理论和实践的基础,全面阐述了邓小平有关企业管理思想方面的基本内容包括:深化国有企业改革、发展乡镇企业、民主管理、增强企业活力、提高企业技术水平等方面思想,确切展示了邓小平的企业管理思想中注重协调各方利益来调动积极性,注重引入发达国家的先进管理方式和中国实际结合,注重突出生产管理者的特色等方面。 邓小平企业管理思想是邓小平在社会主义改革和发展过程中形成关于企业管理变革与发展的见解和观点,这些见解和观点通过总结并归纳形成了一套较为完整的体系即邓小平的企业管理思想。邓小平企业管理思想内涵非常丰富,涉及企业管理范围十分广泛,仍有很多知识需要深入思考并领会,因此掌握并运用好邓小平的企业管理思想是个长时间的过程。邓小平企业管理思想对当代企业管理的完善具有重大的指导意义,对邓小平企业管理思想加以研究和利用,,可以指引在新的形势下中国企业的发展。
[Abstract]:Deng Xiaoping's enterprise management thought is both the microcosmic foundation of Deng Xiaoping's economic theory and an essential part of Deng Xiaoping's theory. The study of Deng Xiaoping's enterprise management thought can not only enrich and develop Mark's economic management thought in theory, but also promote the reform of the management thought of our country. Innovation has certain practical guiding significance.
In the course of guiding China's reform and opening up and construction, comrade Deng Xiaoping has put forward a series of ideas and ideas on the reform and development of enterprise management in the course of long time leading posts. The general name of these ideas and ideas is Deng Xiaoping's enterprise management thought. This study is based on Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong's thought. In order to guide, the theoretical and practical basis of Deng Xiaoping's theory of enterprise management theory is analyzed, and the basic contents of Deng Xiaoping's management thoughts on enterprise include: Deepening the reform of the state-owned enterprises, developing the township enterprises, democratic management, strengthening the vitality of the enterprises and improving the technological level of the enterprises and so on. It shows that Deng Xiaoping's enterprise management thought should focus on coordinating the interests of all parties to mobilize enthusiasm, pay attention to the introduction of advanced management methods in developed countries and the combination of China's practice, and pay attention to the characteristics of production managers.
Deng Xiaoping's thought of enterprise management is Deng Xiaoping's views and views on the reform and development of enterprise management in the process of socialist reform and development. Through summarizing and summarizing these views and viewpoints, a set of more complete systems, namely, the enterprise management thought of Deng Xiaoping, is formed. The connotation of Deng Xiaoping's enterprise management is very rich. And the scope of enterprise management is very wide, still a lot of knowledge needs to be deeply thought and understood, so it is a long process to master and apply Deng Xiaoping's enterprise management thought. Deng Xiaoping enterprise management thought has great guiding significance to the perfection of contemporary enterprise management, and the research and use of Deng Xiaoping enterprise management thought can be used. To guide the development of Chinese enterprises under the new situation.
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