本文选题:毛泽东 + 军队管理 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:毛泽东作为我国伟大的无产阶级革命家、战略家,他成功的将一支松散的、无组织的、无纪律的军队打造成了一支优秀的、具有“铁的纪律”光荣称号的人民军队,并带领这支军队完成了中国革命的最终胜利,带领全中国人民站了起来,实现了真正意义上的人民群众当家作主。可以说,毛泽东是一个成功的管理者,他在管理中国人民军队的过程中,形成了一套军队管理的方式方法,其内容非常丰富,不仅充实了毛泽东管理思想理论,同时对于促进现代组织管理的发展起到一定的理论意义和实践意义。 本文的目的就在于对毛泽东这套军队管理的方式方法进行深入的分析和研究,提炼其精华加以运用于现代组织管理当中,为现代组织管理提供宝贵的观点、理论原则和方法,促进现代组织发展壮大。 文章分为绪论、正文、结语三个部分。第一章绪论介绍了近年来国内外学者对毛泽东军队管理思想和对组织管理思想课题的研究现状,指出毛泽东军队管理思想及其当代启示所具有的理论意义和实践意义,以及本文的写作思路和研究方法。正文共分四章: 第二章分析了毛泽东军队纪律管理思想对现代组织管理的启示。首先探讨了毛泽东军队纪律管理思想的主要内容,包括注重军队思想纪律教育,培养军队纪律自觉性;注重制定军队纪律条令,提高军队纪律法制性;注重军队纪律检查监督,加强军队纪律严肃性。其次,根据以上主要内容,相对应的阐述了毛泽东军队纪律管理思想对现代组织纪律管理的启示,即提高组织的自觉纪律意识;加强组织规章制度管理;严肃组织纪律监督与检查。 第三章探析了毛泽东军队思想文化建设对现代组织管理的启示。先是阐述了毛泽东军队思想文化建设的主要内容:即树立全心全意为人民服务的宗旨思想;注重军队思想政治教育工作;兵民是胜利之本。之后,从毛泽东军队思想文化建设中提炼一般原则和方法,运用于现代组织的文化建设中,如确立组织的宗旨思想;提高组织文化的渗透度;坚持以人为本的管理理念。 第四章研究了毛泽东军队民主管理思想对现代组织管理的启示。这一章同样分为两个部分,第一部分归纳了毛泽东军队管理思想的主要内容,如树立正确的民主意识;积极听取官兵民主建议;建立士兵委员会,加强民主监督。第二部分,通过对毛泽东军队民主管理思想内容的归纳,来探究毛泽东军队管理思想对现代组织民主管理的启示,主要从以下三个方面进行阐释:增强民主管理意识;强化组织的民主参与;有效落实组织的民主监督。 第五章讨论了毛泽东军队组织建设思想对现代组织管理的启示。在这一章中,第一部分总结了毛泽东军队组织建设思想的主要内容:如支部建在连上;党委制;双首长制。这一部分对毛泽东军队组织建设思想的主要内容进行剖析,提炼其思想的一般原则和方法。第二部分主要从加强基层组织建设;注重集体领导与分工负责相结合;将领导者的角色一分为二等三个方面论述了毛泽东军队组织建设思想对现代组织建设思想的启示。在这一部分中,依据毛泽东建设军队组织结构的方法和原则,结合于现代组织的实情,继承和发展毛泽东的管理思想,以符合现代组织的现实情况,促进组织不断壮大。
[Abstract]:As a great proletarian revolutionist and strategist in our country, Mao Zedong succeeded in making a loose, unorganized and undisciplined army into an outstanding people's army with the honorable title of "iron discipline", and led the army to complete the final victory of the Chinese revolution, and to lead the whole Chinese people to stand up. As a result, Mao Zedong is a successful manager. In the process of managing the Chinese people's army, he has formed a set of ways and methods of military management. The content is very rich, not only enriches the theory of Mao Zedong's management thought, but also plays a role in promoting the development of modern organization management. Certain theoretical and practical significance.
The purpose of this article is to analyze and study the methods and methods of Mao Zedong's army management, and to extract its essence and apply it to modern organization and management, to provide valuable views, principles and methods for modern organization and management, and to promote the development of modern organizations.
The article is divided into introduction, text and conclusion three parts. The first chapter introduces the research status of scholars at home and abroad on Mao Zedong's military management thought and organizational management thought in recent years, and points out the theoretical and practical significance of Mao Zedong's military management thought and Its Contemporary Enlightenment, as well as the writing ideas and research sides of this article. The main body of the text is divided into four chapters.
The second chapter analyzes the Enlightenment of Mao Zedong's military discipline management thought to the modern organization management. First, it discusses the main contents of Mao Zedong's military discipline management thought, including the emphasis on the ideological and disciplinary education of the army and the training of the discipline consciousness of the army, the establishment of military discipline regulations, the higher military discipline legal system, and the emphasis on the military discipline inspection. Supervision, strengthen the seriousness of the discipline of the army. Secondly, according to the main contents of the above, we should explain the Enlightenment of Mao Zedong's military discipline management thought to the discipline management of modern organization, that is to improve the consciousness of self-discipline and discipline of the organization, strengthen the management of organization rules and regulations, and organize the supervision and inspection of discipline law seriously.
The third chapter analyses the Enlightenment of the ideological and cultural construction of Mao Zedong's army to the management of modern organization. First, it expounds the main contents of the ideological and cultural construction of Mao Zedong's army, that is, to set up the aim of serving the people wholeheartedly, to pay attention to the ideological and political education of the army, and to win the interest of the army and the people. Then, from the ideological and literary text of Mao Zedong's army. The general principles and methods are extracted and applied to the cultural construction of modern organizations, such as establishing the purpose of the organization, improving the infiltration of organizational culture, and adhering to the people-oriented management concept.
The fourth chapter studies the Enlightenment of Mao Zedong's democratic management thought on modern organization management. This chapter is also divided into two parts. The first part sums up the main contents of Mao Zedong's military management thought, such as establishing a correct democratic consciousness; actively listening to the Democratic proposals of officers and soldiers; building a Council of soldiers and strengthening democratic supervision. Second parts Through the induction of the ideological content of Mao Zedong's army's democratic management, this paper explores the Enlightenment of Mao Zedong's military management thought to the democratic management of modern organization, mainly from the following three aspects: strengthening the consciousness of democratic management, strengthening the democratic participation of the organization, and effectively implementing the democratic supervision of the organization.
The fifth chapter discusses the Enlightenment of Mao Zedong's army organization construction thought to the modern organization management. In this chapter, the first part summarizes the main contents of Mao Zedong's army organization construction thought, such as the branch building in the company, the party system and the double head system. This part analyses the main contents of Mao Zedong's army organization construction thought, and puts forward the main contents of this part. The second part mainly from strengthening the construction of the grass-roots organization; focusing on the combination of collective leadership and division of labor, and the division of the role of leaders in three aspects to discuss the Enlightenment of the thought of Mao Zedong's army organization construction to the construction of modern organization. In this part, the construction of Mao Zedong is based on the construction of the thought. The methods and principles of the organizational structure of the army, combined with the facts of the modern organization, inherit and develop Mao Zedong's management ideas, in accordance with the reality of modern organizations, and promote the continuous expansion of the organization.
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