[Abstract]:Marxist social organism theory is an important part of Marxist theory. Marx, on the basis of criticizing and absorbing the reasonable elements of other people's thoughts on social organism, based on the realistic people and their realistic activities, inspected the existence and development of human society and formed a scientific theory of social organism. Hegel understood society as an organism in the form of self-movement of absolute spirit. Feuerbach also tried to portray human society as a harmonious organism with abstract "love" principle. But he does not understand that human practice itself is the foundation of social relations. The social organic thought of utopian socialism has deeply explored the historical position of capitalism and its development trend. However, due to the limitations of the development of the times, Owen and others have described the plan of social reform. But did not find its way to achieve and fall into fantasy. Positivist Conde, Spencer's social organism thought is actually a kind of view and method to analyze the society with biological organism idea. Marx founded the scientific theory of social organism on the basis of criticizing and inheriting. Through a systematic investigation of the whole social life and its relationship, Marx pointed out that the human society is based on the mode of production, and that all kinds of social relations exist at the same time and depend on each other. In German ideology, Marx and Engels follow the "new materialist" worldview of "social life is in essence practice", and call their new historical view "empirical science". In essence, this kind of "empirical science" regards human society as an organism which follows its inherent inevitability and constantly develops and changes, and is a self-renewing organism which is generated on the basis of human practical activities. Marx's research results in political economy greatly promoted the establishment of historical materialism. The publication of "Capital" and other works scientifically demonstrated Marx's theory of social organism. It makes Marx's theory of social organism more abundant. As Marx said, the old philosophers only use different theories to explain the world. His new historical materialism is to change the whole world in the practice of transforming the material world. Marx's theory of social organism, which originated from man's practical activities, successfully realized the sublation and transcendence of the traditional social organic thought. A thorough interpretation of Marx's theory of social organism, a clear understanding of the theoretical origin between Marx's theory of social organism and socialist harmonious society, and the concept of scientific development is of great significance to the implementation of the concept of scientific development. Building a harmonious socialist society has important theoretical value and practical significance.
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