[Abstract]:As a unique species, human beings have lived on the earth for more than 3 million years. After hundreds of years of development, the population has reached a peak. But the population growth has not brought about the improvement of the ecological environment quality, on the contrary, it has appeared the serious crisis, and has developed to the point of having to be dealt with. The research shows that the emergence of the ecological environment crisis is closely related to the lack of an ecological ethics and moral system in line with the development of the times. In the scientific development view, there are many factors and theories about ecological ethics, which can produce positive significance for the construction of this ethical and moral system. In the face of serious ecological environment crisis, this paper will explore the ways and means of constructing ecological ethics from the perspective of scientific development view, and find out the elements and factors beneficial to the construction of ecological ethics from the rich ideological theory of scientific development view. The possibility and prospect of its implementation are fully discussed, and the concrete implementation steps are completed under the frame of ecological ethics construction. This article is mainly divided into five parts to discuss. The first chapter introduces the related concepts and previous research achievements, the second chapter mainly introduces the relevant expressions of ecological ethics of different schools, and finds the useful theory of ecological ethics construction from the ancient and modern expressions of ecological ethics at home and abroad. The third chapter mainly states the reason of the ecological crisis and its ethical reflection, the fourth chapter is the focus of this paper, exploring the way and method of constructing ecological ethics under the view of scientific development view. The fourth chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is the value goal of ecological ethics under the view of scientific development view, the second part is the principle of construction, the third part is the concrete method and approach of construction. Under the framework of the general goal of harmonious ecology and the concept of sustainable development, this paper discusses the three principles applicable to the construction of ecological ethics from the view of scientific development, that is, "people-oriented". "overall coordination and sustainability" and "overall consideration". In the concrete construction method, discusses from the exploration new man-land relations, constructs the ecological civilization system and advocates the new consumption idea and so on.
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