[Abstract]:People live in the world and face a lot of difficulties. Man is an animal full of reason and irrationality, but what is the relationship between reason and irrationality, and is the demarcation between them clear? What is human education and development? What is the relationship between human life process and nature? This issue focuses on the above topics. We believe that rationality and irrationality are far from so distinct, because they have the possibility of self-deconstruction, that is, the possibility of going to the opposite, and they can even transition to each other. Rationality and irrationality are only two different perspectives, not two different existences. It also points out its limitations in theory and practice, and provides a new way for us to deepen the educational reform and promote the all-round development of human beings. Closely combined with the current academic hotspot of "returning to Romanticism", the life theory of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, one of the most important representative figures of Romanticism, is deeply studied. And use the contemporary ecological criticism perspective to endow the theory with modern ecological connotation. The purpose of this paper is to find out the meaning and value of our existence and to solve the difficulties of life.
【作者单位】: 华南理工大学思想政治学院;
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