发布时间:2018-11-02 10:59
【摘要】:党群关系即政党与人民群众之间的关系,,本文研究的党群关系特指中国共产党与人民群众之间的关系。中国共产党成立90多年来,一代代共产党人始终同人民一道顽强拼搏、艰苦奋斗,实现了新民主主义革命的胜利和中华民族的独立,人民得到了自由和解放;始终同人民一道完成了社会主义三大改造,确立了社会主义的基本制度;始终同人民一道进行了改革开放新的伟大实践,开创、坚持、丰富和发展了中国特色的社会主义。我们所取得的一切成就,都是党群关系和谐发展的结果。进入新时期,党群关系的发展总体上是良好的,但我们也必须清醒地认识到,新形势下的世情、国情、党情已经发生了深刻变化,党群关系的和谐发展也遇到了新情况、新问题。基于此,本文主要从党群关系的新特点和遇到的挑战、影响党群关系和谐化的原因、构建和谐党群关系的建议与对策等几个方面对相关问题进行了系统研究。本文共分为四部分: 第一部分总结了马克思主义经典作家以及中共四代领导集体党群关系理论,为新时期党群关系和谐发展研究提供理论铺垫。 第二部分把中国共产党建党以来取得的党群关系建设经验与新时期党群关系出现的新特点和遇到的挑战进行对比,用历史与现实统一的眼光看待党群关系问题。 第三部分主要从经济方面、政治方面、社会阶层变迁等方面分析了影响新时期党群关系和谐化的原因。其中从社会阶层变迁角度分析党群关系是论文的创新点。 第四部分是新时期党群关系和谐化建设的对策研究。党群关系和谐要以科学发展观为指导,从整合各种利益关系,完善社会阶层结构,加强党的自身建设,做好新形势下的群众工作等方面着手。其中培育社会中间阶层逐步向“橄榄形”社会过渡、合理应对谣言和加强网络虚拟社会的管理等研究是论文的创新思路。 始终保持党同人民的血肉联系是关系着党的事业兴衰成败和生死存亡的根本性政治问题。对新时期党群关系和谐化的研究不仅具有理论意义而且具有重大的现实意义。
[Abstract]:The relationship between the Party and the masses is the relationship between the political party and the masses. The relationship between the Party and the masses in this paper refers to the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the masses of the people. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for more than 90 years, the Communist Party of China has always worked hard with the people to achieve the victory of the new democratic revolution and the independence of the Chinese nation, and the people have been free and liberated. We have always worked with the people to complete the three major transformations of socialism and to establish the basic socialist system, and have always worked with the people in carrying out the great new practice of reform and opening up, in creating, persisting, enriching, and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. All our achievements are the result of the harmonious development of Party-masses relations. In the new era, the development of party-mass relations is generally good, but we must also be soberly aware of the profound changes that have taken place in the world, the national conditions, and the Party's feelings under the new situation, and the harmonious development of the party-masses relationship has also encountered new conditions. New problems. Based on this, this paper systematically studies the new characteristics and challenges of the relationship between the Party and the masses, the reasons that affect the harmony of the relationship between the Party and the masses, the suggestions and countermeasures for constructing the harmonious relationship between the Party and the masses, and so on. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part summarizes the theory of the relationship between the Party and the masses of the classical Marxist writers and the four leading collectives of the Communist Party of China, which provides a theoretical basis for the study of the harmonious development of the relationship between the Party and the masses in the new period. The second part compares the experience gained by the CPC since the founding of the Party with the new characteristics and challenges of the Party-masses relationship in the new period, and looks at the problem of the relationship with the unity of history and reality. The third part mainly analyzes the reasons that influence the harmony of the Party and masses in the new period from the economic aspect, the political aspect, the social stratum vicissitude and so on. It is the innovation of the thesis to analyze the relationship between the Party and the masses from the angle of social stratum change. The fourth part is the new period party-masses relations harmonious construction countermeasure research. The harmonious relationship between the Party and the masses should be guided by the scientific concept of development, starting from the aspects of integrating all kinds of interest relations, perfecting the social stratum structure, strengthening the Party's own construction, and doing well the mass work under the new situation. Among them, cultivating the middle class of society to "olive-shaped" society step by step, dealing with rumors rationally and strengthening the management of network virtual society are the innovative ideas of the paper. It is a fundamental political problem to maintain the blood and flesh relationship between the Party and the people. The study of the harmony between the Party and the masses in the new period is not only of theoretical significance but also of great practical significance.
[Abstract]:The relationship between the Party and the masses is the relationship between the political party and the masses. The relationship between the Party and the masses in this paper refers to the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the masses of the people. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for more than 90 years, the Communist Party of China has always worked hard with the people to achieve the victory of the new democratic revolution and the independence of the Chinese nation, and the people have been free and liberated. We have always worked with the people to complete the three major transformations of socialism and to establish the basic socialist system, and have always worked with the people in carrying out the great new practice of reform and opening up, in creating, persisting, enriching, and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. All our achievements are the result of the harmonious development of Party-masses relations. In the new era, the development of party-mass relations is generally good, but we must also be soberly aware of the profound changes that have taken place in the world, the national conditions, and the Party's feelings under the new situation, and the harmonious development of the party-masses relationship has also encountered new conditions. New problems. Based on this, this paper systematically studies the new characteristics and challenges of the relationship between the Party and the masses, the reasons that affect the harmony of the relationship between the Party and the masses, the suggestions and countermeasures for constructing the harmonious relationship between the Party and the masses, and so on. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part summarizes the theory of the relationship between the Party and the masses of the classical Marxist writers and the four leading collectives of the Communist Party of China, which provides a theoretical basis for the study of the harmonious development of the relationship between the Party and the masses in the new period. The second part compares the experience gained by the CPC since the founding of the Party with the new characteristics and challenges of the Party-masses relationship in the new period, and looks at the problem of the relationship with the unity of history and reality. The third part mainly analyzes the reasons that influence the harmony of the Party and masses in the new period from the economic aspect, the political aspect, the social stratum vicissitude and so on. It is the innovation of the thesis to analyze the relationship between the Party and the masses from the angle of social stratum change. The fourth part is the new period party-masses relations harmonious construction countermeasure research. The harmonious relationship between the Party and the masses should be guided by the scientific concept of development, starting from the aspects of integrating all kinds of interest relations, perfecting the social stratum structure, strengthening the Party's own construction, and doing well the mass work under the new situation. Among them, cultivating the middle class of society to "olive-shaped" society step by step, dealing with rumors rationally and strengthening the management of network virtual society are the innovative ideas of the paper. It is a fundamental political problem to maintain the blood and flesh relationship between the Party and the people. The study of the harmony between the Party and the masses in the new period is not only of theoretical significance but also of great practical significance.
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